I came in mind with a briliant idea how to solve some the most common problems in the game like player market value. Highly salared players, Nts problems and increase the competetiveness of a game.
To start with the biggest economy problem is that transfer prices for players are ridiculously low compared to their salaries. And high potencial highly skilled players are something like a trash. Now we have the phenomena where medium players suited for 4-3 maybe 2nd league are worth way more than higher skiled players for the top leagues. So wee need either to increase sustainability of players so the teams incomes or to lower the potencial we get from the drafts, because now there are toomuch superstar+players.
Better option would be to increase incomes. Since the maximum arena size is like 30k bleetchers 10k lower tier 500 balconry and 50luxury, why not to make the actual use of those huge arenas? why arent we able to fill them? why it is maxed at 21k? In my opinion gms should rise the maximum atendance bar all the way to the top, for example: the team who is participating 2nd time in a row in b3 and won like 3 of latest 5 league championships should fill the whole huge arena and get around 850-900k income instead of 650k. I also suggest to increase maximum atendances to everyone so in lower leagues people should benefit from it. This would bring the more money into the game, so the trained skilled and salary efficient player transfer prices would rise. Highly salared but not so efficient players would be way eazier to sustain and people would bennefit more from training since players transfer prices would rise. Nts would have some good material in great shape and high skills (also salaries). Tv revenue would rise abit, also merchandizing so to sum up people would get averagively like 30 percent more income than before. and winning team in highest division should be able to sustain impresive 1,25m payroll. Every people who has invested millions in max arena would get bennefit, now its like money thrown out...
And the other thing about, since mostly people would try to tank it out i suggest of making salary floor somewhere around 60 percent of max sustainable salary, so in my eyes it should be like 800 k. at the highest level (keeping in mind that maximum sutainable salary would be somewhere around 1,25m). So people wouldnt be able to make 5m cash per season tanking. Also preventing tanking would increase players transfer prices because those tankers who now doesnt need players would probably buy them and try to snap some wins maybe ?
In my eyes its everything what bb economy needs.
Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 1/26/2014 2:51:26 PM