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I am in big debt

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Date: 2/26/2014 12:55:32 AM
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Ummmm ya so I'm a little in trouble with my debt situation -24000 and I am losing 10000 a week I need help!

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255314.4 in reply to 255314.3
Date: 2/26/2014 10:50:39 AM
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What the two gentlemen above said. You don't need a 50k center right now, and given the small size of your arena you certainly can't overspend on salaries when you need to do so much more construction (and fix the ticket prices), though at least you've got a very solid amount of luxury boxes already built and you didn't make the mistake of building only bleachers.

I would get Mastellone on the TL as soon as possible, definitely to sell before the econ update - getting him sold before Monday means an extra 50k to your economy when the next week's salaries are paid.

Another problem you're going to run into is that it doesn't appear like you're training anybody, and your roster is pretty advanced in age. I'd give some thought to this problem: you're losing money, you're not in a position to move up to increase earnings by being at a higher level, your arena isn't sufficiently developed to make much more money at your current level, and your players are old and losing value from season to season with no youth being groomed to take over those spots. If you think about those factors for a short while, you'll see that it's a long-term losing strategy - you'll simply be slipping, losing ground economically and pretty much stuck as a mid-range at best team in IV.

So with that said, you need to plan to change those factors. Losing money is the easiest thing to avoid - just don't spend more than you make, and try to spend significantly less than you make. When you do have some money, build your arena, rather than spend on players. When you do purchase players, a 10k salary guy with good secondary skills is always going to be a better choice in your situation than a 20k+ guy with less balance, and it's quite possible to create those balanced 10k salary guys yourself through training (and get them up to higher levels).

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255314.5 in reply to 255314.1
Date: 2/27/2014 4:30:19 PM
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tax exemption? What you need to do is, is 1. lower your seat costs. Or 2 sell someone.

If all else fail fire your best player on sunday as well the all the staff.. this is last option. It will mean you have to start over without losing your team and making revenue the next following week.

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255314.6 in reply to 255314.5
Date: 2/27/2014 5:03:57 PM
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tax exemption? What you need to do is, is 1. lower your seat costs. Or 2 sell someone.

If all else fail fire your best player on sunday as well the all the staff.. this is last option. It will mean you have to start over without losing your team and making revenue the next following week.

He's at -24k and only losing 10k a week, which means once he gets Mastellone's salary off the books, he should be turning in a weekly profit of roughly 40k per week. I personally would have listed the player cheaper to ensure he gets sold - why bother trying to make 100k if he doesn't sell and you are left with the choice of relisting at 50k and paying a 50k salary, or just taking whatever you get now - but I can see a case for firing him too. What is patently foolish would be a blanket suggestion to fire the staff - examine them to make sure that they're reasonably priced, sure, but if they're not excessive it'd cost more to fire them now and replace them later than it'd be worth.

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255314.7 in reply to 255314.6
Date: 2/28/2014 4:44:53 PM
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I think staff can be replaced if in debt. Those are 1st people im firing any way every season.Some say it wouldnt be wise to fire his best player at the same time, he can get a player for cheap that will help him more in long term success that one.

Two 15k or less $ a week center/pf would help him win a championship before that one will.

But it would be wise to keep the trainerat this point in the season and fire the other two staff's, Also let go of the big man for cheaper a big man. It would help him gain revenue also wins.

But Sunday is the day to fire staff without having to pay the costs.

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255314.9 in reply to 255314.7
Date: 2/28/2014 10:26:25 PM
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If you fire your trainer and you stay below $0, you can't buy a new one. You're stuck with level 1. You're not properly training then.

If you're down to firing staff (and not high level... just level 4 trainer, level 1 pr, level 2 or 3 doctor) as the make or break moment for debt, you have bigger problems than your staff.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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255314.10 in reply to 255314.7
Date: 2/28/2014 10:43:14 PM
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I think staff can be replaced if in debt. Those are 1st people im firing any way every season.Some say it wouldnt be wise to fire his best player at the same time, he can get a player for cheap that will help him more in long term success that one.

Two 15k or less $ a week center/pf would help him win a championship before that one will.

But it would be wise to keep the trainerat this point in the season and fire the other two staff's, Also let go of the big man for cheaper a big man. It would help him gain revenue also wins.

But Sunday is the day to fire staff without having to pay the costs.

Certainly, if it's a decision between keeping staff and losing money or firing them (or at least downsizing) and making money, yeah, firing staff makes some sense. Looking for cheaper staff makes sense. But when he gets the expensive player off his roster, he'll be making a weekly profit - so burning the money on firing the staff is just wasteful.

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