The first person to correctly guess my birthday plus the time of day(morning, afternoon, evening) will receive a year of Supporter with the second team option from me. An example would be March 11, 2014 afternoon or 3-11-2014 afternoon.
Also, I shall allow each user 2 guesses, no more, less if thou so chooses. 2 shall be the number of guesses allowed, and the number of guesses shall be 2. 3 shalt thou not guess, but 1 shall be allowable, certainly in the case whence thou intends to make the number of guesses 2. 4 guesses is right out. Once 2 guesses have been posted, being a first then subsequently a second thus making 2 guesses, then the user shall be allowed to hangabouts the thread handing out balls to other users guesses and awaiting the user of the correct guess, should the user remaining to hangabouts not already registered a correct guess.
Good luck to all and try to guess correctly before March 31 to guarantee your second team gets a spot in the new country!
I have 1757 players for sale and I'm $25,835,360 in debt. Buy them at outrageous prices, or be selfish and make me go bankrupt. You decide, BB.