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Date: 3/12/2014 12:50:34 PM
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I am currently the best team in my conference, but I have an aging team and my team will soon be overtaken by younger better teams... Should I go back down to V to rebuild or stay? Idk what to do.

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255701.2 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/12/2014 1:15:08 PM
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Why do you want to relegate to D.V? You can do exactly the same thing in your current league, plus you get more TV money and, of course, arena's attendance is bigger.

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255701.4 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/12/2014 5:01:08 PM
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Never tank down a league unless you are trying to get a 5/5 draftee.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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255701.5 in reply to 255701.4
Date: 3/12/2014 5:19:31 PM
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Never tank down a league unless you are trying to get a 5/5 draftee.

Never tank down a league unless you want to always have to rely on having better finances than everyone else in your league as a crutch.

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255701.6 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/12/2014 8:18:06 PM
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Contrary to everyone else, If you can't handle the heat of competition than tank out and watch yourself blow out pathetic bot opponents to boost morale. Have fun!

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255701.7 in reply to 255701.6
Date: 3/12/2014 9:40:25 PM
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Do whatever will help you have the most fun in this game. That said, playing in a league of bots gets old real quick. You can rebuild in IV just fine.

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255701.8 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/12/2014 10:39:46 PM
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Second Team:
Telecasters II
Stay in L4, move out a couple of 32+ players and get some replacements who are 28 or younger. Shouldn't been too hard, I have found I could get some deals on players once the playoffs start. Also, make sure you get an 18 year old next season that you can train. Doesn't need to be a MVP or Superstar or anything, an All-Star will probably do just fine. Be sure to train balanced players, taking advantage of playing them out of position, especially when you play weaker teams and scrimmages. Hendrick might be a decent secondary trainee, but in another couple seasons his training will really start to slow down, it would be better to focus your training on a younger player.

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255701.9 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/12/2014 10:44:15 PM
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Speaking as one of the younger teams in your league....

Myself and Oreos both have arenas about 3000 seats bigger than yours, so we're making more money.

we also rock 11-12 player rosters vs your 9 man roster.

And... I actively train young players as well so I have, say Luwa, Marks, Clark, and Branchl. Oreos I'm not sure if he does or not.

Luwa is closer to an 11K player than 7K
Marks a 9K instead of a 6K
Branch 8 K instead of 6K
Clark 7 K instead of 4.5K

So, my players are getting better as the season goes on, more so than they are getting worse (like, Thomasx2 or your vets, or Oreo's vets, etc.)

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255701.10 in reply to 255701.1
Date: 3/13/2014 4:37:25 PM
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The best you can do is promote and sell a few players in the off season.. With 3 new draft picks,0- 1 will be good. Your excused if that made you laugh. I always get a good chuckle at the talent in the draft.

But try to promote. Rebuild in the off seasons to your liking and wants the game is based on younger players from what I understand. What you consider old and young for your ball club is up to you.