Ok, I've thrown my hat in, since Dire has confirmed he isn't running, so I'll answer your questions.
Two goals: Make it to the world cup (and make a reasonable impact) and leave the team in better shape for the next manager than it was before. I've outlined in my speech my plans, beyond that, its simply a case of picking the right players and picking the right tactics - I'll let my experience speak for those.
As for working with the U21 team, I assume you are talking about player development. My opinion there is that a player is the U21 coaches to do develop as they see fit until they hit 22, and then they become the NT manager's responsibility. There are some exceptions though - if I feel that a player is being developed in a way that is seriously detrimental to the NT, then I'd request the U21 manager to go down a different path (for example, if a HoF player was being developed to be a single skill monster that no team would ever be able to afford and would be retired by the time he was 25, then I'd have a word
). The second exception would be a MVP/HoF player who was clearly not going to make the 21s - in that case I think there is a strong case for the NT manager to take over early. Identifying which players those are would be a matter of collaboration.