Rank Country Users % Total % in Utopia
1st USA 174 15,08% 1916 9,08%
2nd France 154 13,34% 1640 9,39%
3rd Italia 96 8,32% 2558 3,75%
4th España 87 7,54% 2432 3,58%
5th Deutschland 76 6,59% 753 10,09%
6th Australia 47 4,07% 365 12,88%
7th Polska 45 3,90% 1980 2,27%
8th Hellas 38 3,29% 1330 2,86%
9th China 34 2,95% 1230 2,76%
10th Suomi 26 2,25% 330 7,88%
11th Nederland 24 2,08% 190 12,63%
12th Rossiya 19 1,65% 421 4,51%
----- Türkiye 19 1,65% 931 2,04%
14th England 17 1,47% 249 6,83%
15th Brasil 16 1,39% 408 3,92%
----- Česká Rep. 16 1,39% 249 6,43%
17th Canada 15 1,30% 262 5,73%
----- Lietuva 15 1,30% 1263 1,19%
----- Portugal 15 1,30% 634 2,37%
----- Sverige 15 1,30% 152 9,87%
21th Danmark 14 1,21% 87 16,09%
----- Schweiz 14 1,21% 154 9,09%
23th Israel 13 1,13% 455 2,86%
----- Taiwan 13 1,13% 324 4,01%
25th Magyarország 12 1,04% 681 1,76%
26th Hong Kong 10 0,87% 320 3,13%
----- Philippines 10 0,87% 540 1,85%
28th Belgium 9 0,78% 263 3,42%
----- Eesti 9 0,78% 679 1,33%
30th Argentina 8 0,69% 610 1,31%
31th Bulgaria 7 0,61% 180 3,89%
----- Österreich 7 0,61% 70 10,00%
----- Ukraina 7 0,61% 197 3,55%
34th Latvija 6 0,52% 409 1,47%
35th Slovenija 5 0,43% 299 1,67%
----- Slovensko 5 0,43% 200 2,50%
37th Hrvatska 4 0,35% 286 1,40%
----- Singapore 4 0,35% 39 10,26%
39th Bosna i Hercegovina 3 0,26% 256 1,17%
----- Malaysia 3 0,26% 56 5,36%
----- Norge 3 0,26% 69 4,35%
----- România 3 0,26% 230 1,30%
----- Sakartvelo 3 0,26% 164 1,83%
----- Srbija 3 0,26% 681 0,44%
----- Venezuela 3 0,26% 129 2,33%
46th Chile 2 0,17% 153 1,31%
----- Iran 2 0,17% 86 2,33%
----- Makedonija 2 0,17% 119 1,68%
----- Nippon 2 0,17% 23 8,70%
----- Scotland 2 0,17% 20 10,00%
----- Uruguay 2 0,17% 235 0,85%
52th Barbados 1 0,09% 6 16,67%
----- Belarus 1 0,09% 82 1,22%
----- Cymru 1 0,09% 6 16,67%
----- Cyprus 1 0,09% 27 3,70%
----- Hanguk 1 0,09% 11 9,09%
----- India 1 0,09% 17 5,88%
----- Indonesia 1 0,09% 95 1,05%
----- Ireland 1 0,09% 40 2,50%
----- Luxembourg 1 0,09% 11 9,09%
----- New Zealand 1 0,09% 41 2,44%
----- Nigeria 1 0,09% 13 7,69%
----- Panama 1 0,09% 11 9,09%
----- Prathet Thai 1 0,09% 19 5,26%
----- Puerto Rico 1 0,09% 13 7,69%
----- Shqipëria 1 0,09% 24 4,17%
----- U.A.E. 1 0,09% 11 9,09%
Btw, League 73 and 74 are now filled with human manager, where did you stop exactly ?
Barbados and Cymru are the most attracted by Utopia (with 1 manager in Utopia for 6 total managers in the country) just before Danmark (14/87), Australia (47/365) and Nederland (24/190).
On the opposite, Srbija (3/681), Uruguay (2/235) and Indonesia (1/95) seem less interested in it.