Can anyone explain why attendance is so poor in Utopia?
I mean when I was in Div V in USA I could sell:
15 luxury
250 court
1200 lower
8000 bleach
In Utopia Div IV the best I can probably do is (at minimum pricing):
10 luxury
225 court
1000 lower
7000 bleach
Is it just me or has seating been completely nerfed?
I'm kinda wondering if Utopia is going to have less fruitful seating just for the season, or if it will be an on-going situation?
When your fan club gets larger you'll be able to sell more tickets. You (and all of us) have the tiny fan club that comes with a new team, no prior season success to buoy the fan mood, and no more than one Cup win for your Cup run and the real possibility that you haven't had a rivalry game yet. Starting from scratch has the annoying property of being completely from scratch.