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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Utopia results not showing

Utopia results not showing

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From: Jay_m
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Date: 4/23/2014 8:19:59 AM
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I think that because the starting times are so spread out, we only get the later games displayed in the League page. I only see 5 of the 8 games displayed and they are all the later games.

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258207.3 in reply to 258207.2
Date: 4/23/2014 8:50:59 AM
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It seems to be that 24 hours after a game is played it moves from the top line (current/next game) to the bottom line (last past game).
For non-Utopia leagues, this happens at the same time for all games, so there are always two full lists of games in each line. With the variety of game times in Utopia leagues, there is a a period where some games have already moved from the current/next line to the past line while others have not. When the first game moves, all of the prior past games are removed, and until all of the games move, the none of the next upcoming games are shown. So for the day after games, only those 8 games are displayed, split between the two lines.

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258207.5 in reply to 258207.4
Date: 4/23/2014 11:01:33 AM
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Now I see 4 teams on each line which is different from before.

My vote would be that it should be a low priority fix. Not that big a deal.