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Career extension spec

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Date: 7/11/2014 8:08:15 AM
Nitra Corgons
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Nitra Urpiners
Hello guys.
Until today i thought players start to drop in skills when they are 33years old and older. Is this true or not? Has anyone seen drops on 32yo guys?

I have career extension speciality and my player dropped by 2 outside defences in first week of being 33. Is this EXTEMLY big coincidence and bad luck or career extension just doesnt work or what?

I am kinda pissed becose career extension speciality is paid more then regular. And its purpose is to eliminate frequency of skilldowns. First week possible and my player gets double skilldown in most important skill makes me very unhappy.

Any experiences are welcome. (I have second career extension so far and never seen that before)


1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching
From: Myles

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260943.2 in reply to 260943.1
Date: 7/11/2014 8:24:23 AM
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I have never had a Career Extension and I only lost 3 skills ever from my 33 yr. olds.
one time a guy lost two skills.

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260943.3 in reply to 260943.1
Date: 7/11/2014 9:00:16 AM
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
Bad luck.
I had a player who had exactly the same problem like your player. He turned 33 und during his first TU he had a double drop in OD -.-
But there is also the other extreme. My player Kiebitz had until the end of 36 only 6 downs (without car. ext.). So 1,5 downs per season. During the last 9 weeks he had 7 downs so I guess his best time is over...

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260943.4 in reply to 260943.1
Date: 7/11/2014 11:53:02 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
I had a similar thing happen a long time ago. After getting career extension, my key SF had 7 skill drops in 5 weeks. And also had my first 33 year old drop. (NEVER had a 33 year old drop previously). I made a thread about it at the time too.

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260943.5 in reply to 260943.1
Date: 7/11/2014 4:40:28 PM
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I had used career extension since season 21. I figure it works in this way:

Chance of player drop without career extension:

Chance of Player drop with Career Extension:

That would be my best guess. It will just randomly stop a player skill drop probably once or twice a season. Probably not noticeable, but worth the effort to buy one if you are planning to have a team full of aged veterans.

I myself dropped it in favor of a superior trainer. With advanced trainer and more than 3 -32 year old I would probably take one with Career Extension.

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260943.6 in reply to 260943.5
Date: 7/12/2014 2:51:28 PM
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
Chance of Player drop with Career Extension:

75%. It was written somewhere in the FD or Ask the BBs Threads.

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260943.7 in reply to 260943.1
Date: 8/1/2014 6:21:47 AM
Nitra Corgons
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Nitra Urpiners
Cmon. Fourth week of new season and my 33yo guy dropped 4th time with career extension spec!!??

This is insane!

1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching
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260943.8 in reply to 260943.7
Date: 8/1/2014 9:27:29 AM
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Sad to hear . I don't buy any of those trainers. I did have a massag'e trainer and tape trainer once .I stick with basic. My advice is this play him from the bench with role of scorer. I have 38 yrs old his skills are dropping so is his price worth. He still plays though, its pretty fun to see him get his shots.

From: Myles

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260943.9 in reply to 260943.8
Date: 8/1/2014 10:20:41 AM
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Basic is not enough.
I have had advanced forever.
It is so much better.
Basic is way too low.

From: Mr. Glass

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260943.10 in reply to 260943.9
Date: 8/1/2014 1:40:55 PM
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Yes I agree it way to low. But at least I know what im going to get and what going to happen. Thats how I look at it.