Yes but it's not that rigid, otherwise the better player set as backup would begin the game over a weaker player set as starter every time (I have no idea if this happens in full lineup/LCD since I do not use that). Therefore there must be some tolerance to that effect, because I've never seen a very weak starter subbed out in the first minute of a game after a foul or a ball out of bounds.
In order to get less extreme minutes on my best players in Utopia (the difference with the other player sharing the same position was significant, like 30k salary to 4-5k salary) I set them as backup with CPfDC: they did play big minutes like 36-40 but that's quite a bit less than where they would have been if I had set them as starters (44+). I did not experience the backup starting over a starter from the beginning as per Alexandar first post until this season: in this game
(75896337) the SG who was set as backup (75k salary and strong game shape) did start over the designated starter (a 4-5k scrub on mediocre or average game shape). I don't think this had ever happened to me in 5 seasons on my main team and 3 seasons in the Utopia team.
I regularly use CPfDC and I've never experienced inexplicable or counterintuitive substitution patterns that would not happen with SFDC. If you set your trainee and leave the backup/reserve slot blank the guy plays the whole game, provided that he doesn't have too low stamina, in which case he can get subbed out for a better player in the last couple of minutes (exactly the same issue with SFDC).
As you explained, the main difference between Strictly Follow and CPfDC is that the substitutions are not rigid, but based on the relative strength of the players set at each position and the minutes played as a result are usually more balanced (prior to this season I had never seen the coach subverting my designated starter/backup setting). The relative stamina of the players sharing a position also plays a role in determining the share of minutes. Ratings are generally slightly better with CPfDC.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 1/4/2015 3:28:19 PM