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Suggestions > Kill Utopian Players

Kill Utopian Players

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From: Tatamka
This Post:
Date: 8/7/2015 4:36:53 AM
La Ribera B.C.
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
La Ribera Oilers
I suppose someone had written this idea before or something similar but I haven’t found this message, then I write this one.
My point is Utopian players don’t contribute anything to the game. One thing is that Utopia exists for second teams but another is players are from this nation.

My proposal is don’t generate more utopian players and actual players get the citizenship of another country. I explain one way to do this:
- DRAFT: It would be to generate a number of players of each real country inversely proportional to the number of managers of each nationality at the time of generating the draft.

For example, if we suppose standard number of leagues per division:
o I – 1 league => 48 rookies
o II – 4 leagues => 192 rookies
o III – 16 leagues => 768 rookies
o IV – 64 leagues => 3072 rookies
Total per season: 4080 rookies.
By the other side, 98 countries (without Utopia) would be ordered by users number and with this clasification it would be generated a % of players of each country, with a minimum of 3:

(next post table)

If two or more countries have the same users number, I’d assign more percentage to the country that has the manager with more time passed since his last connect.
(At the begining I thought that the distribution was related with users percentage of each country, but It could generate too much players of micronations, which I think woudn’t be positive).
Then Skills-height-age-potential would be asigned (I don’t know if this will do after or before players get his nationality, it would depend on the best technical solution).

- Players generated in utopian drafts would be players as the rest. They can play with his national teams which I think is better for draft and training.
- Enhancing competitiveness between national teams. This increases the likelihood that nations with less users have draftees with future (high potential), although it would not be a rule, as there would be a random factor in the allocation of nationalities.

- The weekly revenue from merchandising is affected by how many domestic players you have on your team, so this couldn't apply for Utopian teams (an easier solution is no team has this benefit).
- Utopian teams creation would follow similar proportion in the allocation of nationalities (based on data of the field "% players created" in the above table).

I imagine there are many others problems and pending issues, so I would want to know your opinion of this proposal and all the issues you can see on it.

Thanks in advance.

From: Tatamka
This Post:
272589.2 in reply to 272589.1
Date: 8/7/2015 4:42:36 AM
La Ribera B.C.
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
La Ribera Oilers


Last edited by Tatamka at 8/7/2015 4:43:20 AM

From: Elmacca

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272589.3 in reply to 272589.1
Date: 8/7/2015 9:09:06 AM
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your premise isn't true though, homegrown players who feature in a league's top ten tables do generate more merchandising.

From: Tatamka

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272589.4 in reply to 272589.3
Date: 8/7/2015 12:43:58 PM
La Ribera B.C.
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
La Ribera Oilers
your premise isn't true though, homegrown players who feature in a league's top ten tables do generate more merchandising.

What premise? Can you explain what you're talking about?

From: Elmacca

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272589.6 in reply to 272589.5
Date: 8/7/2015 1:05:22 PM
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right, I see. Hmm, not sure how I feel about that then.

From: Elmacca

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272589.7 in reply to 272589.4
Date: 8/7/2015 1:06:24 PM
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i was talking about non-drafted players with utopian nationality.

From: Phyr

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272589.8 in reply to 272589.7
Date: 8/7/2015 3:26:58 PM
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I dont know if this is practical but the solution would to make players both nationalities...Utopian for merchandising purposes and their other nationality for international purposes...but that might get a little complicated and create some unique TL situations.

It might be more practical to get rid of the merchandising bonus for utopia nationality all together and just have all players randomly assigned a nationality. Get rid of the merchandising bonus would not really be a big deal because it would affect all Utopian teams...players drafted by Utopian teams with a random nationality would still be worth the same as all other players on the TL.

Easier to implement would be to make a manager's nationality the nationality of this team and all player draft to that team become that nationality...but this would benefit larger nations who have more users in Utopia and would generate more players.

You could also just have a Utopia U21/NT but there are competitive/fair play problems with that as well.

This Post:
272589.9 in reply to 272589.8
Date: 8/7/2015 4:02:46 PM
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I say, we let the remaining Utopian players fight to the death, and the winner is granted citizenship to Barbados.

From: Myles

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272589.10 in reply to 272589.1
Date: 8/7/2015 4:21:36 PM
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Very smart idea. +1
I like the table.