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Suggestions > Why are there so few trainers?

Why are there so few trainers?

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From: Cadu3
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Date: 8/7/2015 1:14:51 PM
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Everybody knows the BB market right now is pretty bad, it's one of the reasons why the game is "dying a slow death" as said here in this forum, and it's probably the main thing that makes every player frustated, making the same money you made ten seasons ago and having to spend twice as much. Everybody knows this is a consequence of Utopia, a lot of teams were created but there weren't enough players in the market to satisfy the demand. Well, there's nothing BB can do about this, it can't just create players and put them as free agents (well... maybe...) BUT there's something pretty simple that they could do and that would help in the mid run: create trainers.

As we know, the trainer market is also AWFUL (i can't stress that enough), people are paying more than 1kk for a superior trainer that earns almost 30k per week... Last week I saw a bid on a trainer (7) of a good 3,1kk and the auction would only end the next day. Well follow me here, we already know that the player market sucks and that the trainer market follows the same path right? And we know that the player market sucks because of the high demand and the low supply, therefore, obviously, we need more players in that market, and what's the best way to do that? Letting people supply the players! Rebalancing the one market BB can put their hands on, the TRAINER MARKET! That way, more players will have good trainers, which would speed up the training of players and in the mid to long run, and the market would receive a boost (by boost read REBALANCING) of good players . I'm not asking to put extra trainers in the market, I'm asking to fix the problem that was generated by utopia, and I believe the whole BB community agrees with me.

PS.: Even though it's a simple problem/solution, I took this situation to a economist friend and he said "the game has to either let users start the game with better trainers, or create more good trainers to rebalance the market. Otherwise the problem may grow because more people can buy this second team, increasing the demand even more"

Last edited by Cadu3 at 8/7/2015 9:55:15 PM

From: Chekreyes

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272630.2 in reply to 272630.1
Date: 8/7/2015 6:54:17 PM
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Yes yes yes yes yes yes

From: Greedy

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272630.3 in reply to 272630.1
Date: 8/8/2015 12:49:50 PM
Manila Bombers
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The issue with last season was that fewer free agents were placed on the transfer list in an effort to convince more managers to train their players. That is why prices for players doubled from two seasons ago. Now that the managers are feeling the effects of the increase in price, it looks like more are going towards the training option. With a higher demand for trainers, the bids go up, which we feel right now. I do not have exact numbers but I believe that the number of trainers for sale now are still the same from last season when I was searching for my trainer. The difference is that their prices now are around double of last season. Sorry for being vague, I do not want to give a hint on the level of my trainer right now. :P

Maybe the BB's will first want to see the effects of relaxing the free agents rules before making another drastic change. By relaxing the rules, the problem that caused the increase in price of trainers may be reversed. More free agents -> less need for training -> less demand for trainers -> cheaper bids. By creating more trainers, there may be too much of them that their prices will drop too much. If that happens, nobody will want competent to superior trainers anymore since exceptional and world-renowned trainers become too cheap.

From: Cadu3

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272630.4 in reply to 272630.3
Date: 8/8/2015 1:15:35 PM
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That's why it should be a cautions "addition" (I dont even like to use this term because it sounds like extra trainers, but actually my proposition is to increase the trainers proportionally to the increase of teams). And it seems to me this problem isn't from just 2 seasons ago, it's from a little earlier

From: Greedy

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272630.5 in reply to 272630.4
Date: 8/9/2015 2:10:22 AM
Manila Bombers
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Fair enough. I wouldn't mind a little increase in the number of trainers.

This Post:
272630.7 in reply to 272630.6
Date: 8/10/2015 10:36:52 AM
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But lots more of the higher level ones than currently.

Or better yet, make training itself sensible and logical so every manager can train players [Edit: and provide a suitable number and range of trainers, of course].

Of course, I know that won't happen because those at the higher levels like the way it is now, competing against the few managers who train rather than against all 20,000 managers.

Edited for those more prone to fighting than thinking.

Last edited by Mike Franks at 8/11/2015 9:09:09 AM

This Post:
272630.8 in reply to 272630.7
Date: 8/10/2015 10:48:09 AM
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But lots more of the higher level ones than currently.

Or better yet, make training itself sensible and logical so every manager can train players.

Of course, I know that won't happen because those at the higher levels like the way it is now, competing against the few managers who train rather than against all 20,000 managers.

Congratulations! You found the suggestions forum. Now please feel free to start a thread on this topic, rather than inserting randomly into other barely-related threads.

From: Melo9

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272630.9 in reply to 272630.1
Date: 8/10/2015 12:24:04 PM
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Well, I have to agree with your suggestion to make something about this. I've always trained players, but trainers are getting ridiculous now. I just decided do stop with the level lvl 5 after 15 seasons with that trainer.

From: Phyr
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272630.10 in reply to 272630.9
Date: 8/10/2015 5:13:16 PM
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I think alot of people make mistakes when bidding on staff members and fail to ammortize the cost of the bid into the weekly cost of the train.

Most people also don't need a Lvl 5/6/7 trainer. You can easily put on 130 TSP on a player by age 27 with an advanced trainer.