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Suggestions > Players on loan

Players on loan

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From: Tafazzi
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Date: 11/18/2015 10:40:58 AM
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I write this message to propose the possibility of having players on loan.
example: if a team purchases cause too expensive next to the bank route fails, while selling below cost best players, to settle debts and is later unable to buy players, coach, doctor etc ... I thought why not give the chance to get players (needing) to other teams borrow dry without payment of the loan allowing teams more "poor" to be able to continue the championship in a quiet and returning the player at the end of the championship rightful owner, but at the same point allows teams more "rich" to lower the mountain engagements and increase the player's experience and its economic value without selling it immediately.
I is a long game in which "sector Italy" I started from scratch then I bought players, doctors, coaches strong with high salaries and I find that I was bankrupt ... in two weeks ago after makers of the game have put in their own free will (as per rules of the game) all players auction selling them to very low figures in order to lower the negative figure ... I find that they are still in negative economically but with only six players not very strong but discreet .. .perciò having no possibility to purchase players came to my mind to propose the solution to have pure players in annual loan.
I hope that is taken into account this proposal because it would save a lot of teams.
thank you

This Post:
275327.2 in reply to 275327.1
Date: 11/18/2015 11:47:25 AM
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Cool idea. It could give a whole new dimension to farming.

From: Knecht

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275327.3 in reply to 275327.1
Date: 11/20/2015 4:57:04 AM
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I'm okay with this idea, as soon as every team gets it's own farm team (D-league style). Until then. Hell nah.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular