Second thing, time between zero and lost ball is, I suppose, fighting for the ball when nobody owns it.
Honestly, that's pretty much a well known bug in the GE. Altough, it appears that almost (if not) all the time, the next shot is done within 24 seconds of the lost ball.
Yeah, and in fact, usually if a possession lasts 40 seconds the next shot seems to come within the 8 seconds that would be expected as the maximum for two possessions (but not always).
I think the root is similar to that of another rarer situation where a team is behind late in a game needing a steal or a foul, and they'll let the clock run all the way down to 0 and then steal the ball as time expires. It's likely that there's some calculation that identifies that the ball is going to be stolen on a given possession, but when it actually occurs is different - so the players know they're going to steal, so don't foul, not knowing that they'll steal the ball so late as to be useless.