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Bugs, bugs, bugs > PO bracket shows result before game over

PO bracket shows result before game over

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Date: 5/10/2016 4:04:59 PM
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As the title says, game is in progress but winner is shown in the playoff bracket section of the league page. Not cool to have such a spoiler!!! :@

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278710.2 in reply to 278710.1
Date: 5/10/2016 4:52:36 PM
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I don't think it shows the eventual winner mate.
I believe that it is programmed as such, so for games not played(or finished) yet, instead of showing no team in the respective bracket, it shows as winner the team that is first alphabetically.

For instance, a PO game in my Utopia league that just finished and i took a screenshot just prior to the end.
Haderslev Lions are shown as winners in the bracket, while clearly the game is still being played.
Eventually, they lost.


Last edited by maddoghellas at 5/10/2016 4:53:48 PM

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278710.3 in reply to 278710.2
Date: 5/10/2016 5:02:37 PM
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You are correct. Same thing happened in my league. (not my game) Team that the bracket showed winning lost.
Still, a bug. The line should be blank until the game is over.

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278710.4 in reply to 278710.3
Date: 5/10/2016 5:05:33 PM
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Yep, i agree.

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278710.5 in reply to 278710.3
Date: 5/10/2016 7:06:01 PM
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Agreed - but good to know it's not a spoiler.