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BB USA > FML Radio: Day 1 (jhiggseiu14)

FML Radio: Day 1 (jhiggseiu14)

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Date: 5/15/2016 1:19:38 PM
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Over the last few months FML Radio has talked to some really prominent managers in the BB world. Many have played for so long that it's hard to remember the weeks where training was a mystery, gameshape made no sense, and it was hard to set your lineup (remember the "Rookie" "Veteren" and "Allstar" tactics complexity tabs? No?)

We've meant to do an episode with a brand new team for long time, and after answering a few questions in the forums we've brought a new team on the show, a team that started just three days ago and one that may have a different perspective on the game than most of us do.

Please welcome jhiggseiu14!


Chek: Tell us about yourself!

Jhigg: I was born in texas and moved to illinois where I live today. I literally just got employed as an Assistant Store Manager Trainee which I’m excited about after the rigorous years of college!. I love the feel for “management style” games so you combine a love for sports and business and you put it in a game and this game found me!

Chek: How did you discover BuzzerBeater?

Jhigg: I first read about this game a few years ago through a reddit post after searching for basketball simulators on google. I was young then and I found the game to be too complex for my understanding. So I decided to give a try now that I did some research on how this game works. What rekindled my flame was talking to a buddy of mine on another game that is like this but for football lovers and decided to give it another shot! Glad I made that choice brother!

Chek: As a brand new team, what was your first impression after you created your team just a few days ago?

Jhigg: I was a bit overwhelmed with the learning curve but I am taking it step by step with patience and guidance from good people like yourself my man! As soon as I saw my team ready for the rebuild process i just read over the manual a few times and reached out to people to start building a network!

Chek: Did you find it easy to navigate and understand the site and find help?

Jhigg: It took me no time to navigate. Now I could understand how some people would get lost but the Manager’s Checklist helped me out a ton. You just have to be patient and you have to create a feeling of love for this kind of game.

Chek: After just a few days of getting used to the game, what is your strategy for your team?

Jhigg: The Windy City Ravens are currently under the process of rebuilding. We made a few cuts to some of our older guys in order to give our younger players room to grow. We made changes to the lineups and some tactics then proceeded to clean house in regards to our underachieving staff. We plan on building a new standard for our organization built on loyalty to our players. We will only build through the draft so we know we have some very long seasons ahead of us!

Chek: Who’s better, the Mountain Eagles or the King Drive Ballers?

Jhigg: Don’t have any information of either team’s history so out of respect. We will not make any comment. What we will say is this. We respect any and every team that was built before us because without them we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Chek: What’s been the hardest thing to understand about the game so far?

Jhigg: I don’t think it’s about the hardest thing to understand. The toughest part is to mentally be able to process the culture of the game and the navigation of the game. Which isn’t hard but you just have to understand everything will be learned in due time. Have to be optimistic!

Chek: How many seasons until you win your first NBBA title?

Last edited by Chekreyes at 5/15/2016 1:30:02 PM

This Post:
278764.2 in reply to 278764.1
Date: 5/15/2016 1:19:47 PM
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Jhigg: You're trying to set me up already! We are a organization built on class. Therefore we are confident in our system and we aim to get a title as soon as we have our players, staff, and fans yes fans on the same page. We will only draft players who believe in our culture and we will move forward together as an organization.

Chek: If adchester (29556) touches you, let someone know. This isn’t a question, just life advice.

Jhigg: Despite the Jefferson Jaguars having a 7-15 record. That team has proved to be a great team in recent history. We are on motivated to get better and get close to what they have accomplished over the years!

Chek: How could BB change to make it easier for more new teams to catch on faster?

Jhigg: I think BB has been doing an outstanding job so far! The learning curve is steep however, it depends on the drive of the owner to catch on faster. BB has provided the Windy City Ravens organization an ample amount of help (manager checklist/offsite forums/helpful supporters) since we established a few days ago. You have to have level of understanding imo to be able to comprehend all that this wonderful game has to offer!

Thanks to jhiggseiu14 for getting so involved in their first few days! We wish your team luck in the marathon to come. It's always fun to see new people getting so into the game.

For all new teams I will leave some links here to resources for you

Game Manual -
Help Thread - (144856.1)
Mentor Thread - (262132.1)
Buzzer-Manager (Seperate Tools Website) -
USA Offsite -

Until next time, thanks for tuning in to FML Radio!

I would like to try and put together a live version of FML Radio. If anyone has experience with podcasts with people from multiple locations please hit me up because I do not.

Last edited by Chekreyes at 5/15/2016 1:31:00 PM

This Post:
278764.3 in reply to 278764.2
Date: 5/15/2016 1:34:30 PM
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Chek: If adchester (29556) touches you, let someone know. This isn’t a question, just life advice.

Jhigg: Despite the Jefferson Jaguars having a 7-15 record. That team has proved to be a great team in recent history. We are on motivated to get better and get close to what they have accomplished over the years!

I don't think that's really gonna take much motivation

In all seriousness I loved this interview. Great questions and responses. I'll be rooting for you jhigg

This Post:
278764.4 in reply to 278764.3
Date: 5/15/2016 2:32:27 PM
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Thanks my man! Yea after just getting spanked in a scrimmage we need to start getting better asap! Thanks for the interview support man! We have our work cut out for us!

From: A-Dub

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278764.5 in reply to 278764.2
Date: 5/15/2016 3:53:08 PM
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Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
Great interview. I commend your efforts in educating new managers, you've provided valuable information and recourses.

We will only build through the draft so we know we have some very long seasons ahead of us!

My man! That's how it's done. I love the interest this manager shows for the game, and the willingness to seek help and improve. This manager is a good addition to the US community and BB. He's on the right track.

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
This Post:
278764.6 in reply to 278764.5
Date: 5/15/2016 4:32:00 PM
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I appreciate it man! I love this game so far and I know its gonna be rough and I have a lot to learn. I just got smacked in a scrimmage so Im trying to figure out my teams strengths, weakness and to learn how to put together the best tactics for our team.

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278764.7 in reply to 278764.1
Date: 5/16/2016 11:10:35 AM
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Chek: Who’s better, the Mountain Eagles or the King Drive Ballers?

They're both NBBA legends and world class teams, except for the Mountain Eagles.

This Post:
278764.8 in reply to 278764.3
Date: 5/16/2016 2:05:39 PM
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Chek: If adchester (29556) touches you, let someone know. This isn’t a question, just life advice.

Jhigg: Despite the Jefferson Jaguars having a 7-15 record. That team has proved to be a great team in recent history. We are on motivated to get better and get close to what they have accomplished over the years!

I don't think that's really gonna take much motivation

In all seriousness I loved this interview. Great questions and responses. I'll be rooting for you jhigg

HEY....great team, you hear that? No one's ever said that about some lame team called the Squizzes

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278764.9 in reply to 278764.8
Date: 5/16/2016 2:11:42 PM
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Tell me what D2 is like

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278764.10 in reply to 278764.9
Date: 5/16/2016 6:29:58 PM
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278764.11 in reply to 278764.9
Date: 5/17/2016 8:01:25 PM
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