Flawed really wasn't the right word. I'm just saying that it takes a decent amount of time to train FT if you want to shoot 80-85. All of the young guys wouldn't get FT training until their primaries and secondaries are done being trained, which could take them into their mid twenties. 7+ seasons of "hack a Shaq" on this player because he shoots a brutal 40% from the line would really hinder the teams ability, and I know everyone at BB wants to encourage training especially for NT. Yes, I do know that players have low ft in the NBA and around the world but it is uncommon. There's only a few players like deandre Jordan or Drummond. In BB, there are plenty of players who shoot FTs like these guys, and it is a lot more common. So I wouldn't really say flawed is the right word, but FTs in BB are a little different than shooting a FT in real life, and were talking about a real life strategy that's already disliked in organizations like the NBA.