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Team constantly losing

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Date: 6/25/2016 9:41:01 PM
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Hey guys, I'm recently new to BuzzerBeater but I think I got a hang of it, so the problem is my team is constantly losing games, we only won 1 game and that was it, the recent game all three players who I think are the big three of my team is always going 5-19. Can someone help me with this please, The one player Johanees is always going 10-32 which is bad for me, what can I do so my players will go even on shooting and not force shots? I also read the tutorial where it said that the star of my team is 18 and have the role allstar which is a player I don't play, I am going to start playing him for now on but I just want my team to do better, I do training but I don't know which training will help them improve (I bought like 5 or 6 players with high ratings like JR, JS, OD, etc, I start them aswell) What should I do better? My team is Bronx Nets in League 51 if anyone wants to check out the recent games and can help me from there. Also can you guys tell me which player on my team is the star? I think the star is Oren but I'm not 100 percent sure.
Here is a screenshot of the scoreboard.

Last edited by Original 13 at 6/25/2016 9:43:33 PM

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280363.3 in reply to 280363.2
Date: 6/26/2016 3:10:09 AM
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Okay so in order to improve their GS, I have to play them for 60-65 minutes every week?

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280363.5 in reply to 280363.4
Date: 6/27/2016 5:47:07 AM
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Okay, I lowered my roster count to below 15 because it was recommended for me to do so, So I should play Oren for 60 minutes twice a week? What training can I use for my Centers/PFs

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280363.7 in reply to 280363.6
Date: 6/27/2016 6:42:52 PM
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I got young centers now, should I train them

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280363.9 in reply to 280363.8
Date: 6/27/2016 7:25:08 PM
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Rebounding for both, how do I improve their potential?

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280363.11 in reply to 280363.10
Date: 6/27/2016 7:53:42 PM
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No, sadly. I just read this thread http://www.buzzerbeater.com/community/forum/read.aspx?thread=78242&m=1 , it said it will take 1 week?