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Height's +/-

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Date: 5/6/2008 2:20:54 AM
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What are considered the best height range for different positions?
What are the downsides for instance for 6-6 or 2 m PG? If any. Is it okey to have 6-6 or 2 m PG?
How much does height help rebounding, blocking?
Anything else interesting and useful thoughts from more experienced managers?

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28259.2 in reply to 28259.1
Date: 5/6/2008 5:13:56 AM
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Height is not used by the game engine. The way to think of it is that a 5'6 player who has average rebounding skill has a 48 inch vertical leap, very good timing, knows how to box out his man, and has strong arms and hands. A 7'4 player who has average rebounding has learned how to lace his sneakers. Put them both out on the court together and they both have about the same chance of getting a rebound.

This is even though the 5'6 player might be a much better rebounder than most 5'6 players, and the 7'4 player is much poorer rebounder than other 7'4 players.

When players are generated, height may be taken into account, simply by tending to give taller players better inside skills, and shorter players stronger outside skills.

Height does have an effect on training. A taller player will improve somewhat faster at inside skills, and a shorter player will develop his outside skills faster. So if you had two players with identical skills, potential, age, but one was 7'0 and the other 6'0, if you trained them as centers, the taller player would develop faster. And if you trained them as guards, the shorter player would deveop faster. I don't know how much difference there is - I don't think it is huge, like one player would develop twice as fast. But it might be like 1.2 or something similar.

I woudn't worry too much about a 6'6 PG. He might develop some skills just a bit slower than a shorter player, but would develop other skills a bit quicker. I think it helps for all players to have good rebounding regardless of position.

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28259.3 in reply to 28259.2
Date: 5/6/2008 5:26:05 AM
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Thank you for in-depth explanation.
Are there some plans for future to implement height effect for the game?

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28259.4 in reply to 28259.2
Date: 5/6/2008 6:38:17 AM
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Let's see, if I play my 6' player with good inside D, rebounding and inside shoooting against roughly the same skilled 7' in position C. How will he manage? As I understand in this game he will defend and rebound then just as good as same skilled 7' player? Little bit nonsence:)

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28259.6 in reply to 28259.4
Date: 5/6/2008 5:08:24 PM
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They'll play about the same.

You're trying to reduce skills to more fundamental levels.

What makes a good rebounder? Height helps. Jumping ability and timing help. Upper body and arm strength helps to grab the rebound, and hold on to the ball, and to establish position. Experience helps, knowing where to position one self and box out your opponent, and to expect where the ball will rebound to.

Instead of trying to use all these more fundamental skills, Buzzerbeater has combined them all into one skill called "rebounding". Because you know one factor called "height", you can infer that when two players have the same rebounding skill but different heights, that the shorter player has some combination of jumping ability and timing, strength, and experience that balance out his lack of height.

But BB does take height into account when training a skill like rebounding. The players can't increase their height, though it is rumored that Max Payne has a rack for that purpose. But they can improve their jumping ability, timing, strength, and experience. Since the smaller player already had more of these abilities than the taller player, the taller player can improve them faster and more, so that his "rebounding" skill improves more.