Shhh... So much for making a quiet playoff run. Looks like I have a bullseye on my back now. Maybe Gomarët can pull out another upset? It has been a great season so far. So I think the playoffs will be just as good. Good luck to everyone.
I think the Fiercekitties are going to be a handful once some of those young bigs develop. I need to promote, or I am going to have a salary issue with my young bigs. I wish they sold as well as young guards.
Totally called it on Swamp Things - they are going to roll to the league title. Knew they were laying low (doing some TIE during the season) only to turn it on with playoff crunch time all the way to the league title. Certainly hope they do promote up to D.3. so the rest of us don't have to face them next season.
And he is right about my Fiercekittes - I demoted down from D.3 last season as my team was aging - sold off my older bigs and am now working on a new set of bigs. Starting next season, they should really be rolling - spent this season fine tuning some of their secondary skills before I go hard on the primary skills. Plus I have ton of money in the bank from the earlier sale of my bigs. Looking to go back up to D3 and stay there.
Will be interested to see what the salary jump next season will be for players, as BB will adjust salaries upwards for guards with good inside skills and bigs with good secondary skills. There was a lot of hidden value in those two areas, and one did not have to pay for it in terms of extra player salary . . . until this upcoming season, that it.