Good morning, Mr.
I am the coach of Brazil U21 and yesterday I was surprised with an ABSURD thing.
I'm probably the oldest member of my active country (game since Season 2) and I've NEVER seen 2 matches happen on a single day, as happened yesterday. I had a friendly scheduled for 14:55 and a consolation game at 17:30 local time. As usual, I climbed the friendly, watched the game and because NEVER have seen this happen, I did not climb to the consolation. My mistake for not seeing the date? Okay, I would never have imagined that.
I try to do a good job in BB Brazil, along with few players that still remain, to keep the country "alive" in the game. But you are succeeding, gradually end up with the rest that still persists.
I know my game will not come back, nor is this what I want. But let it be solved, for it becomes BIZARRO.
I'm still in the BB because I really like it, so DO NOT TAKE MY PLEASURE TO PLAY !!!!