Since this came out in a thread about something else which I suggest people stay away from I'm going to do a new thread about it. I could not care less about it either way and I'm not going to vote, but the reactions and thoughts by some people are going to be very entertaining for me personally. :o Forgive my selfishness.
Also happy new year everyone! Except for a few nasties, you know who you are.
New rules being implemented as per the season post:
The BB promotion and demotion system has stayed the same since season one, but this too is about to change, starting season 38. We are going to implement a hybrid Utopia/BB promotion system. More specifically, we are increasing the amount of promoted teams each season! This, of course, means that more teams will need to be demoted. Teams ranked seventh will be, just like eight ones, directly demoted, while fifth and sixth place teams will be battling it out for survival! Just like in Utopia, the extra promotees will be decided based on their success during the regular season, comparing their rankings to all the other teams in the same division! Exciting times are upon us, surely!
So far, people have voiced their dislike for this proposal on the basis of:
- too many cash prizes being given, 50% more to be exact (more money>more inflation>higher prices)
- league stability reasons.
I also invite you to read alternative suggestions which I suspect are too complicated for Marin, but makes for a good read anyway:
(283928.1)Ready, steady, here we go...
Last edited by Lemonshine at 1/1/2017 6:30:33 AM