Once you fill up your roster with blocks what is going to happen?
At a time, I had SB 7-10 on my PG-SF and SB 17-19 on PF and C. From my view, the opponent will go for the "weaker" ID in the paint.
As an example:
PF with ID 18 and SB 19
C with ID 16 and SB 17.
Playing a 3-2 zone should even out the amount of defense actions between PF and C through a season. But this never happened. The C had an average of 15 defense actions per game, the PF only 8-10. The C was also the one who had more blocks every season. It's clear because he defended more shots. Breaking down to a percentage, both guys blocked around 35-40% of their defended shots.
Later I let an even weaker C play besides the PF.
C with ID 13 and SB 15.
The same happened. It got even worse. The average defended shots of the PF dropped to 6 per game. And the C had to defend in some games more than 20 shot attempts. The good thing is, he ended up twice as the world leader in Blocks at the end of the season and once as the runner up.

In Utopia I have two identical defenders on PF and C (Both ID=SB and both with the same skills). And now it works almost even. In some games the PF has to take more defense actions, in others the C. But over a longer period it is more or less the same.
Taking this into account. it looks like two even skilled defenders are the best solution. But I like it if one of them is slightly weaker in ID. You can use him as a trap. If you know that his ID is enough to play at the needed level and his SB will stop almost every shot attempt, you can "guide" the opposing offense towards this big. But you have to be sure, that your guy isn't a fouler. But that's the first rule for every defense specialist.
What I suspect, but couldn't get enough numbers is that too high ID+SB will force the opponent to take more mid range shots (jumpers). And if your players lack OD you can get hurt by it. This is something I noticed in Utopia last season. My two bigs had to defend a lot of mid and even long range (3ptrs) shots. And here they started fouling...
Last edited by Nachtmahr at 3/27/2017 9:36:53 AM