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Boost: year +1

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Date: 4/4/2017 5:29:20 PM
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Usually I do not like to complain. Certainly this game has a few flaws but it also has many qualities and remains the best of its kind; Moreover, I do not question the good will of Marin and the other BBs to advance the game in a positive way ...
but here I am facing a real problem. This problem is jeopardizing my team and I am sure it must be the case for other teams.

Here are the data:

My arena is 17,500 seats and has not been expanded in the meantime.

Season 36. D.IV
Seating Price: $ 8, $ 20, $ 70, $ 400
Attendance on the season: close to 98%
Results: 22 wins and 0 defeats.
Champion of d.IV.

Season 37. D.III (boost)
Seating Price: $ 10, $ 25, $ 75, $ 400
Attendance on the season: close to 95%
Results: 11 wins and 11 defeats.
4th and defeat in the first round of the playoffs.

Season 38. D.III
Seating Price: $ 10, $ 25, $ 75, $ 400 (same as season 37)
Attendance after 3 home games: 62%. Yes, 62% (not 90 or 80, 62)
Results: 4 victories (including the rival) and 2 defeats (including the TV match)

After a saturday loose on the TV match, I filled out my arena at 55% tonight.
The difference with last season is very important, and the most serious, undetectable.

To be complete: the prices mentioned of my arena for season 37 are those practiced after the boost.
They have not been changed since the all star game.

So this season, with the same prices, results substantially identical (a little bit better), my attendance has gone from 95% to 62%.

On an other topic Marin, you told me that there was not any mistake regarding attendance. Figures are awful but I hear you. It's hard.

It's hard because this season, I lose nearly 50k per week for something I could not anticipate.

I bought a superstar early in season 38 to grow my team, to progress ... but it seems I will have to resell him once I get knocked out of the national cup and lower my arena prices to season 36 , when I was in d.IV. to be credited again.

I am in d.III and must give identical prices when I was in d.IV ...

... I am in d.III and must give identical prices when I was in d.IV!!

Incomprehensible and frustrating.

So I realize that I can not evolve like a team in reality.

Why, the option to change the tickets prices from one match to another is not yet active at BuzzerBeater?
Why waiting for 7 or 8 games?

I'm disgusted to undergo a no price change that any club could perform in reality, from one game to another.
In New York, is a Knicks game is the same price if Golden State or Philadelphia plays?
don't think so.

Marin, I know you have a lot of work and maybe other things going on.
You mentioned that the boost was probably too important. I agree with you, but the solution, if you want my opinion, would be to allow us to modify the tickets prices from one game to another to prevent a frustrating situation like mine multiplies to other players (and likely to leave the game) in the future.

Last edited by Gilles Bontoux (5266371) at 4/5/2017 1:50:47 AM

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286172.2 in reply to 286172.1
Date: 4/24/2017 4:25:38 PM
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Second Team:
First of all, sorry for the late reply, I didn't want to address this hastily.

About the issue: I hear you and I feel your pain. It is a dumb way of trying to reward promotees excessively (I think I even remember when this was implemented, a long time ago) for one season and then to completely baffle them (and you) the next season with substantially lower income. As I said in another thread, the proper way to fix this would be to reduce the promotion boost to something normal. Had I done this before S37, you would have had a much worse attendance during that whole season and would probably earn a lot less than you had. Comparing that with the money you might be losing now due to having high expenses, it would be more. At least now you can sell and downgrade, somewhat absorbing the damage.

I guess reducing the boost is something we need to do starting next season, and will probably do it gently over a couple of seasons. IF we decide to do it.

As for your suggestion about ticket prices, we'll consider it. You may have a point there and I'll see if the idea catches on.

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286172.3 in reply to 286172.2
Date: 4/24/2017 4:44:27 PM
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Thank you for your answer Marin! It is reassuring to feel read and listened!
I really hope that you'll find a positive solution to this problem. :)

Last edited by Gilles Bontoux (5266371) at 4/24/2017 4:45:45 PM

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286172.4 in reply to 286172.2
Date: 4/24/2017 5:24:26 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Since last year only,

* You do really bad(not winning at all), you have penalty(significantly less gate revenue).

* You do mediocre(5th), you have penalty(playouts and worse fan survey and revenue the next season).

Now we're thinking about if:

*You do really good(promote), you have penalty(in the promotion bonus).

The trend is obvious...

Taking money out of the system, is not a cure all medicine...but still, like all medicin must be taken with caution, responsibly and at the right doses.