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Center: Improving Ball Handling & Shooting

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From: Z-Boy31
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Date: 5/12/2017 12:08:48 PM
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I have two solid Centers on my team with pretty solid low post games. Now I'm looking to improving their ball handling skills and their shot/range.

Does anyone have any tips or a strategy for improving these skills?

Center 1:
Potential: Perennial Allstar
Age: 22
Weekly Salary: 61k
Driving: Pitiful
Passing: Awful
Handling: Atrocious
Jump Shot: Average
Jump Range: Awful
Inside Shot, Inside D, Rebounding & Shot Blocking: Wondrous
Stamina: Proficient
Free Throw: Average

Center 2:-- Goal to eventually have him play PF.
Potential: Star
Age: 21
Weekly Salary: 12k
Driving: Pitiful
Passing: Respectable
Handling: Awful
Jump Shot: Inept
Jump Range: Atrocious
Inside Shot: Prolific
Inside D: Proficient
Rebounding: Prominent
Shot Blocking: Proficient
Stamina: Proficient
Free Throw: Strong

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286559.2 in reply to 286559.1
Date: 5/12/2017 12:31:38 PM
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Both of these players would benefit from 1v1 Forward, bumping up DR, HA, JS and IS.

DR and HA affect their ability to create shoots and finish when defended. Without DR - they'll just stand around waiting for a pass or a rebound in a contested area (where HA plays in).

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286559.3 in reply to 286559.2
Date: 5/22/2017 12:12:53 PM
Pearl City
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1v1 for Forwards and I would give the top guy some single position passing training at least until he gets to average. If you can get the top guy to average in Handling and Passing he wont be a complete turnover machine. It will also help your flow.