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Suggestions > Complete overhall of market fee system

Complete overhall of market fee system (thread closed)

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Date: 6/21/2017 8:25:40 PM
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I've given up on autobid although that would help price stability the most IMO-
I've talked about this in other threads, making it a suggestion here in a full format....

First of all no more % of sale price tax. In the future all profit from untrained sales is 100% taxed. When you buy a player the price you bought him for is your max return should you ever sell him. The player can still be bought for more but the money difference all gets taxed/adjusted.

End of story for untrained players. No more money transfers, no more daytrading profits, no more fees for those who aren't daytrading or profiteering.

Next-trained players-
An amount is added each week to the price the player can be sold for.
U21 The player's weekly salary amount + Trainer salary/number of players trained that week +5% (so you could double your money on trainee beyond training cost every 20 weeks or so)...I'm suggesting though the 5% compound.

O21 Trainer salary/number of players trained that week +5%

I think draftees should also have a max return amount and there will need to be SOME GM review of some draftee sales to see if it was a money transfer from a multi-etc. Like people trying to sell of their dud picks to a multi for some cash etc.
IF a draftee sells for more than the amount, the seller only gets the max amount but buyer still pays the list price however ridiculously high it got.

1st rounders-
Base max 2million
-50% if less than 50 TSP
-20% lower for each level of potential below HOF
Like this
HOF 2million/1million
MVP 1.6m/.8m
superstar 1.28m/640k
p.allstar 1.024m/512k
2nd rounders-
Base max 1.5 million
(rest same adjust. as 1st rounders)
3rd rounders-
Base max 1 million
(rest same adjust as 1st rounders)

For FAs-
I've always felt training needs to be improved so that FAs aren't necessary, but in the case there are FAs they should be listed as now I guess. For 18s though I think anything over 50 TSP should be FAd, especially with weakness of player development and draft in current game design leaving not enough players in the game for the amount of income we receive to the point of never-ending inflation that is then sunk through unfair fees and ridiculous staff prices which favor veterans to the complete impossibility of newer players ever advancing without daytrading (or the vets just giving up and/or being complete idiots)

From: MGH

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287579.2 in reply to 287579.1
Date: 6/22/2017 1:22:59 PM
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Like your drive for suggestions, but can you tell me what are you trying to curb? You wrote an idea, however there is no explanation what is suppose to tackle down.

What I see is almost complete control over the market which most likely will have a footprint on vanishing liquidity - max return, or rather minimum loss cause you cannot make profit, on non-trained players (that is like 90% of them) will push me back from listing players.

As I agree that it is worth to think about some limitations around players rotation in one club (trading club rather than basketball club), but not the way as you presented.

I am totally against any profit limits imposed on clubs as it has nothing to do with free market. Market should naturally adjust to prevailing conditions and it does so. The inflation is a result of maturity of clubs and shrinking user base. If you see that market is overpriced then just start training and sell young player with a profit. Soon, you will have many followers and market will be again flooded with well-trained players (and ultimately lead to price decrease).

From: WolphyWolph

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287579.3 in reply to 287579.2
Date: 6/22/2017 9:01:13 PM
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I guess the BBs need to decide is this a basketball manager game or a stockmarket game.

What you want to do is buy and sell stock, not basketball players.

Every purchase should be to improve your team, not to get a player to flip down the road.

My aim is to open up the market so that you can buy and sell at will when you want to improve your team. YOu can buy a player every single time yo uahve the money and find one better than the one currently on your squad in your team.

In the current game right now you can't do it.

Right now there is a limit how many you can buy and sell and the profit game is so dominate it's all about being online to get a steal then try to rip someone off when you are done with the player...That's nonsense.

It should be about building and acquiring the best pieces.

The balance act should be paying the salaries of the players per the skills and production versus income of the wins that gets you...

In current BB everyone is mass surplus every week to save up money for either A overpriced trainee/trainer to be a farm team or B to pay out people for players whose buy price is more than you'll ever pay the actual player in salary..... It's absolutely stupid.

THis is a stupid glorified stock market game and nothing more. It has the potential to actual allow us to manage basketball teams and gain/lose money by managing salaries and strategies and Ws. That is the aim.

What's worse with this stockmarket game is its not even about being smart on stock buys, its just about signing on at odd hours to get cheap deals. If you can do that, you are in like flin to profit big.

From: MGH

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287579.4 in reply to 287579.3
Date: 6/23/2017 3:52:31 AM
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So if i try to open up the market then your first post is total contradiction of that idea. You suggest imposing multiple fines/limits on clubs (100% tax on non-trained, max profit for u21, max amount on draftees etc.) on trading that is likely to shut down market. Suggestion has nothing to do with deep players choice on TL that you are looking for.

It is easier to extend player holding period that will slightly reduce players rotation in a club ( would not say it is a big problem right now).

I do not really understand what is wrong with saving money. For me it is a natural step for improving team. if you want better player you need money to buy better players (more valued than your current players).

It is a cycle, if you see market is overpriced then just start training and benefit from it. Later you will gain followers and that would be a time to switch flooded market for smaller price.

P.S. There is no daytrading as far as I know as you cannot buy and sell same player at the same day.

From: WolphyWolph

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287579.5 in reply to 287579.4
Date: 6/23/2017 7:32:24 AM
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Most people on the market lose.

It is a select few who win.

It's actually impossible for 50% to even win, because of fees.

Think about it a little.
By suggesting WE NOT charging fees to people who either break even or lose money- I AM OPENING THE MARKET...

What you are suggesting is that if nobody can profiteer then nobody will want to use the market... Not true AT ALL. Have you looked at the list lately? As crazy as the prices people place are...a lot of idiots pay them.

I would say for every 100 players that are overpaid for maybe 2 or 3 are sold under market value enough that they can be flipped for profit AFTER FEES.

People who profiteer are the MINORITY. YES I am suggesting making the market no longer work for that MINORITY and instead STOP CHARGING FEES TO EVERYONE ELSE.


DIdy ou get that????

We ALREADY charge HUGE fees to EVERYONE whether they profit or not.

Guys who lose thousands on every transfer, because they are kinda slow, STILL PAY FEES!! THAT"S RIDICULOUS!!!!

The fees that are there WERE NOT in the beginning. THe BBs added them TO STOP DAYTRADING (I know its not daytrading anymore since they also put in relist time limits etc.- so its more accurately called PROFITEERING...but it was always called know sometimes in language we use words to describe things that don't literally mean what they describe. Lebron isn't really a King you know, they just call him that (Maybe you didn't realize) we call it daytrading but what we MEAN is profiteering...

I was a HUGE profiteer. I made 90% of my income in BB through profiteering EVENTHOUGH I lived in a micro where i could surplus millions a season just from incomes...but I daytraded instead, overpaid for trainers and dumped hte rest of my money into just competing all the time...but that got boring because it was still (and may still be) hopeless LI era....

Sounds like you I guess...You love it...I thought it was dumb. Instead of having unfair advantages that came from gooberish play I wanted to play a real basketball strategy game and ACTUALLY balance a budget out of necessity, not just ofr shits and giggles when I knew I coudl just tank (never did) a few season and/or daytrade my way out of any hole...which is absolutley retarded...but some people love that nonsense.

Some people want to play a stock market game where nobody playing it is very smart at all and clueless and winning is just about being a goober to sign on incessantly at all random hours of day. How fucking lame. How fucking stupid.

From: MGH

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287579.6 in reply to 287579.5
Date: 6/23/2017 8:12:54 AM
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First of all, I am not going to enter the discussion where the loudest win the conversation.

I do not really know who you think you are opening the market as you are trying to impose more taxes. That would end up that all managers will either be even or lose money except the owner who drafted the player ("When you buy a player the price you bought him for is your max return should you ever sell him").

It is natural for me that most people are losing money on the market. It is one-zero game for buyers and sellers. You either make better bet than your rival or you lose same amount of money that is equal to gain of counterpart. You just can not make it a place where everybody wins.

I am still hardly see what you are trying to achieve. Getting rid of taxes? I am fine with that, however it is suppose to mimic agent fees from real world. On the other hand, 3% tax is not much.

Currently, there are two limitations: above said 3% tax and player holding period. It does not sound as a huge problem. All else you are trying to imply has nothing to do with this. Market is not trashed, it is rather sheep herd movement a problem.