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Suggestions > Create a third team.

Create a third team.

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Date: 7/8/2017 9:56:05 AM
Fab Five
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Second Team:
Fabulous Five
I have my main team, Utopia and now I want a third team.
I would like to have a youth team where I can't buy or sell players and see how far I can go. Make it possible for a team with some experience (+10 seasons in the game or a main team that got to the top league, etc.). The rest could be the same as a new team or shared with the main team, I don't really care.
I am too competitive to do that with my main team and in Utopia I am trying a different approach. Making a second account is the easy way around, but I won't break the rules even when it has been offered to me in the past by users leaving the game.
Another big upside of this is having managers with experience in the lower leagues, where we can help managers with less experience in the forum of the league and hopefully reducing the rate at which they leave the game.
I also think it's a good idea for small countries and their national team.
Not an expert, but I guess it's easy to implement.
Did I say it can reduce cheating?

A long time ago I propose (as others had) to be able to change the prices of the stadium more frequently. It was discarted as not needed, not interesting. This season has been implemented.
I hope to see this implemented into the game in some way, even if I have to wait another 10 seasons to happen.

Poll:  What do you prefer?

A mobile app for the game.
A youth team.

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288424.3 in reply to 288424.2
Date: 7/8/2017 2:32:34 PM
Fab Five
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Second Team:
Fabulous Five
I didn't say pay to play anywhere. If you think about it, people that don't want to pay will keep cheating.
And I haven't played in Hattrick, so I don't know how they did it, but I am positive a lot of managers, at least in Spain, like the idea.

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288424.5 in reply to 288424.4
Date: 7/8/2017 4:07:23 PM
Fab Five
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Fabulous Five
The utopia teams are "pay to play". More experience in the same time it's an obvious competitive advantage, that's the reason I don't want a 2nd or a 3rd utopia o "pay to play" team.

Given the amount of time I expend in this game, paying for supporter or Utopia is the right thing to do for me.
I wouldn't play this game if it was pay to win. The more experience you get from playing more games with Utopia or supporter it's so small of an advantage I think it's close to irrelevant. For example, if you could play against the best in your country on a regular basis, your knowledge of the game would improve much faster. Same if you get involved with your national team.
Anyway, we both want the same: A youth team for everyone!

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288424.7 in reply to 288424.6
Date: 7/8/2017 7:45:00 PM
Bronx Wings
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A third team with younger players where you can train them & setup matches against other youth teams, that sounds great. I think the players on your youth team should be the players in the draft but in a different league for more fairness.

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288424.8 in reply to 288424.7
Date: 7/9/2017 6:01:34 AM
Fab Five
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Fabulous Five
A third team with younger players where you can train them & setup matches against other youth teams, that sounds great. I think the players on your youth team should be the players in the draft but in a different league for more fairness.

That's also an interesting idea and I like it, but if you link this youth team to the main team, some people would see it as an advantage to the top teams. That's why I didn't propose it in my suggestion.

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288424.9 in reply to 288424.8
Date: 7/9/2017 9:39:45 AM
Bronx Wings
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The youth team would consist of 18-19's year olds that are planning to enter the draft and you just matching them up against other youths teams and train them. I think it wouldn't really advantage the top teams since they not getting them in their league draft.

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288424.11 in reply to 288424.10
Date: 7/9/2017 7:11:30 PM
Fab Five
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Fabulous Five

It would be nice if the youth team would be tied to the main one in terms of passage of players from one to the other. The youth one would draft the guys and every season could transfert for free three of them to the main one, those who the owner consider well trained and ready. The youth team would play in a youth tournament. Every main team should have a youth one for free. No more drafted guys in the main teams, no more forced training playing games with a young guy in 48 minutes position that will let you loose the game. The only training in the main team could be about ready players to be finished. I guess there's should be a limit of 23 yo to keep a player in a young team (but they could be transferred in the main one earlier or sold if the owner wants it) and than the guy should be sold if he's not in the plans of the manager or fired if there's no interest (with the FA rules eventually applied).
Economy should be separated between the two teams.

Not what I propose, but I like it a lot. Solving the problem with training and making the games more competitive.
I'm afraid it's too many changes for the BB's to like it.
I don't know if we will get a mobile app, but I can see more people getting hook up to the game with a youth team, no matter what way they implement it.