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Suggestions > Sponsorship deals

Sponsorship deals

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From: MGH
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Date: 7/9/2017 10:53:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey guys,

Encouraged by Manon I decided to put out my suggestion here to consider. The BB could make a good use of its userbase and pocket few dollars that could make the game either self-sufficient or generate more funds for further development. Imagine that you can sign sponsorship deal with real company which will advertise their product on jerseys, arena or strategic sponsorship. Surely these sponsors would be linked to online advertisement system (i.e. Google AdSense etc.), but both sides (BB and users) could benefit from this idea. Basically I have three options to think about:

1. Jerseys - make this feature more visible and part of a game. Whenever you sign a sponsor, his logo will appear on jerseys. Surely that leads to two other changes: jerseys must be more exposed on team's main page and only Supporters could change jerseys' design (colours, patterns, logo etc.). All else, will be set up by default.

2. Arena - that option needs to be more dynamic for user, as currently it is mainly used for ticket price change and periodic arena expansions. By all means, it is one of least developed features in a game and looks greyish. How about 2D arena design with court on the centre, seats and banners. Yes, banners are key features here as they can be used as advertisement area that will fit to new design. It is not required to sign any deals, ads may pop out randomly. Moreover, Supporters will gain new feature - they may change arena design (seat colour, seat arrangement etc.)

3. Strategic sponsor - this one is fairly simple to understand. At the beginning of each season you sign sponsorship deal whereby you decide how much sponsor will contribute (weekly installments) towards achieving the goal. If you fail to reach the target, you will have to pay x% of a contract (or in order to improve game predictability an avoid multiple defaults, once you reach the goal you receive a premium of x% of a contract). Once you decide on a sponsor you need to click the banner (equivalent of signing the deal). It is up to you whether this feature shall be crucial or rather minor change, but emphasize advertisement on a website. Those deals could be either significant in size or rather be considered as pocket money (e.g. 10,000 weekly).

4. Participation plan - surely these adds will make some money hence it is worth to reward users for the effort. Maybe some percentage of total revenue (per team) is given back to the user toward Supporter (therefore no wire transfers made).

The above is just a brief sketch plan. Obviously it is open for discussion, these ideas can be considered separately or join all/few of them together (i.e. sign strategic sponsor that appear on jerseys). Not sure if these ideas appeared in the past thus please do not smack me for it.

/Edit, one of the key takeaways shall be that none of these ideas shall give any advantage over non-frequently logged in users.

Last edited by MGH at 7/9/2017 10:54:08 AM

From: GM-Kareem

This Post:
288435.2 in reply to 288435.1
Date: 7/9/2017 1:36:17 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
It will demand more time to the game, but... maybe a beta test could help... It sounds interesting!

From: Underwood

This Post:
288435.3 in reply to 288435.1
Date: 7/9/2017 4:49:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Great ideas!