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Suggestions > Implementing inter-league trades among 16 teams to engage more convos in BB mail and the message boa

Implementing inter-league trades among 16 teams to engage more convos in BB mail and the message boa

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Date: 7/31/2017 11:38:55 PM
Belvedere Square Lagers
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I have an interesting proposal for Revolutionizing Buzzerbeater in the future.

With the Buzzerbeater all star break approaching and the NBA offseason having a lot of fireworks it has me thinking: How about adding trading to buzzerbeater sometime in the near future? What is professional basketball without a little trade noise? It's part of the games excitement.

This is my proposal: Let teams trade within their 16 team league. This limits cheating because chances are low that people own two teams in the same league. Even if someone were to cheat, it'd be a good way to catch cheating (it's fairly easy to know if a trade is unbalanced). Obviously a deadline can be made (probably the Friday after the All Star game). Player confidentiality may be controversial when it comes to trades. Maybe it would not be fair if you can see the players whole skill set when proposing a trade. At the very minimum, it would be nice if you could see their stamina and free throw ratings, but maybe the rest would be confidential? (And it's up to you to do your own research on the rest).

The reason why I'd like to do this so much, is it would rekindle the Buzzerbeater community. I'm sure many of you are tired of seeing private league invitations and want to have real genuine competitive conversations on here. This would be a great way to connect the community. I think PM's should be allowed if trading is implemented because negotiations are key.

Poll:  Would implementing trades among your personal 16 team league, be a nice addition to the game?
Response Votes Result

I would love it I'm ready to do trade requests now 29
32.2% 32.2% 32.2%
Maybe, needs to be regulated with a lot of rules 22
24.4% 24.4% 24.4%
No, it's not going to improve this game 39
43.3% 43.3% 43.3%

This poll ended on 1/31/2018.

This Post:
288693.2 in reply to 288693.1
Date: 8/1/2017 7:37:00 AM
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
I don't like the idea, too much work for nothing, just give people more options to cheat.


This is where we hold them!
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288693.3 in reply to 288693.1
Date: 8/14/2017 10:03:56 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
This and similar ideas have been batted around since the early days, and even with limitations as you suggest, cheating will be involved. People love to find ways to beat the system, and this will create many new ways. It would also greatly benefit higher tier teams with active managers, and create yet another disadvantage to lower tiered teams as well as countries with fewer members.

I think the other problem is that this would require considerable programming to implement. I'm no programmer, but it seems this would take a major overhaul, not just something you could plug in.

Just my two cents.

Last edited by Heathcote at 8/14/2017 10:05:21 PM

This Post:
288693.4 in reply to 288693.1
Date: 11/8/2017 3:13:20 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I like.

About the programming, not necessary all trades happen in real time. For exemple: All monday morning, the trades do it. To trade, the changes can be accept by the both managers previously the date when trades happen.

About the cheating.
To trades can be legal, all negociations can happen in the forum post, accessed to any one with explained "why I want make the trade". This way possibility the third manager involving to make a offer propostal too and stand by the negociations for long.

On begin, only 2 trades can be make per club on season without deadline.
Not necessary too show the skills, only stamina, free throw and experience. Why? Simple... Who needs make a trade don't need to know the skills. He want a player by what he make on court.

And imput other rules:

Young players with potential 6 or than more only can be trade with similar potential player - and salary, if necessary - OR any player more 2 millions money.

All trades or interessed need to justified on forum game.

And other types.

Believe that ALWAYS cheating happen limited the game growth and your next to the real performances

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288693.6 in reply to 288693.5
Date: 11/9/2017 11:22:47 AM
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why would an entire league agree to a trade between 2 teams?
i think it's a great idea. but should be more than interleague, and you could have some skills revealed but not all. Also, there should be some salary matching involved.
I think it would spice up the life in BB. And about cheating, I don't know what to say, it should be fairly easy to spot uneven trades.

From: khenry
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288693.7 in reply to 288693.1
Date: 11/9/2017 11:24:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
A thousand times no to trading ever.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (