It seemed as if you were trying to lead this team solely to the gold, and any other finish wasn't worth a tinker's damn. So, my question for you is would you have managed the enthusiasm the same way if given the chance again?
Absolutely not.
For one, it was abundantly clear that sitting around with good enthusiasm for scrimmages makes you look like an idiot.
Would I have CTed Australia? No, that was out of left field.
However, my belief that a Normal against Nigeria's CT would be good enough was wrong, and that cost us a chance to advance. I blew that and learned my lesson.
If I had a second chance, I'd have CTed the hell out of Nigeria and advanced, and tried to figure out a way to do something with the enthusiasm hit. I'd rather have that problem than the problem of facing the USA community after a complete failure.
You know the old saw (some would say cliche) about how if you forget the past you are doomed to repeat it?
There's no way that will happen here. 3/24/2008 (and no, I didn't have to look it up) is a bitter day for me, and that just cannot happen again.
NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live