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USA - IV.45 > Player Age

Player Age

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From: Gumby
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Date: 10/20/2017 7:24:58 AM
Sharks 13
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What are your thoughts about how old (age) do you keep a player before trading to get some value out of the player. I'm making the assumption that the player is very good. Thanks

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290458.2 in reply to 290458.1
Date: 10/20/2017 10:56:37 PM
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All depends on what you're expecting to get back in return really.

Also as much as potential is huge, where hes at in different categories is the key.

To me, if you wanna make the most for young talent, SM/SG is where your find it. Reason being its tough to find a great young player at those position's. Especially SG.

And just out of curiosity, what are you wanting in return for your young player? Like say hes 19, would u pick up a 25-27 yr old who might be slightly better with a crazy amount of money.

I know every team here has their own way of doing things, but us. We would hold on to that young player, especially if our starter now is getting up there in age. Figure on having him ready for the future of the team. Like if you look at my team, you can see our possible starters in the future of the team.
I try to set us up for the long term, plus also if we get an injury we dont lose much. I consider this the spurs way lol.

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290458.3 in reply to 290458.2
Date: 10/28/2017 8:34:25 AM
Sharks 13
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Timberwolves...thx. Probably wasn't clear in my post but I'm looking at selling my C who is 30 but wonder if I should hold on OR move on. Concur with always trying to develop the next young backup to replace the starter. I've been focusing on the C/PF position for most of my training. Thx again.

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290458.4 in reply to 290458.3
Date: 10/28/2017 11:45:03 PM
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I would hold on to him,30 isn't that old. So he can still manage to help your team win. Plus that gives your younger player time to develop. Depending on how much you trust your 30 yr old C. I would hold on to him until he's 33. By then your young star should be ready to take over the starting position. 32, if he's ahead of schedule. Granted you probably wont get much back for your C at the age of 33 as you would at 30.
On my team it took Lee three seasons until he was a starter. I tried him out first as a starter and early on he was doing amazing but after five games in he couldn't buy a shot. So i know waiting three seasons n training him up works. And i decided to lose some money since i held on to my older center at that time.

Also my starting PG is 30, i have younger PGS Ed and Smallwood. But im gunna hold on to my 30 yr old pg after this season bc what he brings to my team. So maybe its the same with your 30 yr old C, idk how you feel about him, if he's declining or what. Only you would know that.

Really there is no wrong way to go. Whatever you feel is best for your club. Are you a contender now or in the next two seasons? If so, maybe hold on to him.

If not, maybe get as much $ as u can for him and start a youngster at C (18-20 yr old)

These are all things i consider before making a move. That plus the league im in. Strong/weak league.

And those are all my secrets lol

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290458.5 in reply to 290458.4
Date: 10/29/2017 5:22:09 AM
Sharks 13
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Thx for the discussion. His ppg is a bit lower this season but will keep him and watch his performance.

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290458.6 in reply to 290458.5
Date: 10/31/2017 7:27:13 PM
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Happy Halloween Everybody!!!
May the Wolfs aka fair where foes take down the mighty mudcats tonight. Go team!!!!

From: JTC22
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290458.7 in reply to 290458.6
Date: 11/4/2017 9:39:01 PM
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Today I learned that Zebulon Baird can get a full court driving layup off in less than 1 second to win a game.............

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290458.8 in reply to 290458.7
Date: 11/4/2017 9:54:05 PM
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I've had my share of those games. Like ive been saying from seasons past. Theres ALOT of things about this game that makes you stretch your head. But thats the world of buzzer beater and unrealistic game performance. Like a player or players playing all 48 minutes all season long. Lol so nothing surprises me with this game anymore.
On a happy note, Minnesota gained a game on the Bombers tonight and they still have to face the mudcats, plus us one more time. Won't be easy but maybe we have a chance at the #1 seed.
And this is a season were rebuilding!

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290458.9 in reply to 290458.8
Date: 11/5/2017 9:01:50 AM
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I was about to go bankrupt after my push last season so I had to cut some of my best pieces. Down year for us as well. Mudcats seems to have an easy path to relegation

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290458.10 in reply to 290458.9
Date: 11/5/2017 9:32:54 AM
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I hear ya loud and clear on the bankrupt. In fact at this moment were -192. And whatever cents. And it goes up from there -230. So, chances are were have to make some more moves. Possibly our backup players will have to go. Hopefully just one. Im thinking my backup PF. Bc i really don't wanna get rid of Eike or whatever his name is. Also Maybe smallwood. But were see when the time comes.
Your having a great season for a rebuild season! Keep up the good work. For us i think its all about how fast Khan can develop

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290458.11 in reply to 290458.10
Date: 11/9/2017 1:33:50 PM
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Mudcats is definitely ahead in finical terms. I don't know how he has done it. But i know I've made a few mistakes. Like if i couldnt get a bite on certain players i had up for bid after 3 tries. I would just cut ties with them. And this happened more times than i remember. And that has come back to bite us in the ass bc we got a donut back in return.
Live and learn, right? Lol
As long as we can stay under the -500 mark i think were be okay. Bc isn't it, if you reach the -500 mark you lose your team if u can't get it down after a certain amount of time. Or did they change that?
Anyways, my errors have cost us, in terms of winning now instead of later. Now its about trying to remain competitive while righting the ship. Not an easy thing to do, i think next season will tell us for sure, if we can indeed stay competitive...or sink like the titanic. Stay tune Minnesota