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Suggestions > Minutes Bag for U21

Minutes Bag for U21

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Date: 10/30/2017 12:17:54 AM
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Hello everyone.
I'm not sure if you listened about "minutes bag", but this term is used in our soccer league (football if you arent american) and i think it could be an interesting idea for the BB.

Well, i'll try to explain how it works and then make my suggestion.
In football the Minute Bag promoves the use of the academy and it gives the chance to a young player to show his talent. In Peru it is 4000 minutes per year for peruvians U20 players, if the teams doesn't complete this the teams lose one space for foreign players.

In BuzzerBeater we can use this system. We can use the Minute Bag for U21 players (using one young per match), also gives a penalty if you don't complete the bag (losing a position in the draft could be a logical idea or something economic), and also think in the possibility to covoke 2 players for the list of 12.

Every country will decide a range of minutes in each division (700;800;900 per season counting Cup, League and International), using a national U21 player and use it like the football rule for Foreign players.

By the way, i hope that you can understand me. The english is not my local tongue so a lot of ideas are really hard to explain in anothe language xD

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290555.2 in reply to 290555.1
Date: 10/30/2017 4:07:08 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
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I don't really like this idea... The purpose is fine.... but it sounds against the top competition...

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290555.3 in reply to 290555.2
Date: 10/30/2017 5:24:12 PM
Great Fires
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Great Fires Academy
It would improve the U21 tournaments and the national teams.

Last edited by Fire Tiger at 10/30/2017 5:24:30 PM

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290555.4 in reply to 290555.2
Date: 10/30/2017 7:19:39 PM
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Thats why the countrys will select the quantity of minutes per divison in a season
48 min x 30 games = 1440 minutes in a season.

Could be:
400 for 1st div.
300 for 2nd div.
600 for 3rd div.
700 for 4div.

Thats use 1 U21 player for 13 minutes (+/-) in each game and i'm not counting Cup