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Suggestions > 4+1 offence - Make offensive tactics similar to real basketall

4+1 offence - Make offensive tactics similar to real basketall

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Date: 11/4/2017 7:07:09 AM
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What is curious to me is that most of offensive tactics are different from what it may be seen in basketball.

It does not involve Run and Gun, which seems to be in accordance with real basketball run and gun, played nowadays by e.g. Houston Rockets and more generally by teams coached by Mike D'Antoni.
Princeton is real princton played in college basketball.
Motion - maybe something like GSW with many picks.
Patient - best player isolation, that's also seen in NBA.

Concerning inside tactics I cannot give such a charcteristics.

What I miss the most is something like Orlando with Howard or to some extent Lakers with Shaq played, let's call it 4+1. Great center with post moves playes low post with four other players, good shooters, stay wide. If defense goes double center, he passes the ball for three pointer, if it does not he plays one on one.

Introducing that into BB (and another tactics being real basketball tactics) might be very interesting and could make BB more like real basketball. Also, it might be interesting as team could not have only one-dimension players, as it would need great IS and DR center but also with good passing, stretch-four PF who could shot 3 pointers and PG,SG,SF with both JS and DR with IS.

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290631.2 in reply to 290631.1
Date: 11/12/2017 9:55:06 AM
Greensboro Generals
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The Iso sets somewhat have those tenants. Inside in particular can lead to loads of outside looks if your bigs have some decent passing.