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Suggestions > Player characteristics/specialties

Player characteristics/specialties

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Date: 11/15/2017 7:45:15 AM
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Would it not be great if players have characteristics or specialties?

For example an egoistic player will take more shots, even in a bad situation or from a bad position. If he has a weak JS he’ll probably miss more, making the coach frustrated with him and he will take him out. This specialty (like all others proposed hereunder) can be affected by the experience of the player. Lower the number of selfish shots if he has descend experience or increase it if he knows his JS/IS is excellent.
Others might be:
Playfulness. This could be that the player will undertake more dribbles or flashy dribbles that make the crowd go wild but with a higher risk of losing the ball. This could perhaps slightly influence game attendance or merchandise.
- Slam-dunk specialist. Bigger players will try to dunk more when playing with IS-focus. Maybe the game should be improved with more detailed descriptions of a dunk. E.g. after a steal or a fast break when a player is going to the rim he might attempt a spectacular dunk. I’ve played BB before (season 3-9) and players still only do a two handed dunk.
- Leadership. He would help younger players to perform just a little better. It could help them to gain more minutes and to get full training. + Maybe it would be better if younger players needed less time to get full training. Maybe 30 or 35 minutes. I also see a lot of negative aspects to this last proposal so maybe it would need its own topic to be discussed.
- Corner specialist. Giving players a slightly higher success rate when attempting 3pt shots from the corner. Now almost all those shots are missed
- Athlete. Giving players the ability just to jump a little higher or stretch just a little further for grabbing the ball. So not only affecting RB but also steals or preventing the ball to go out of bounds.
- Iron man. It won't affect the possibility of getting injured but older players won't get injured for 5 weeks or so and younger players could recover a bit faster.

These are just some examples. Maybe you don't like any of them or dislike the whole idea or you have better ones. I think it would be interesting to have a vivid discussion about it.


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290747.2 in reply to 290747.1
Date: 11/15/2017 8:40:19 AM
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I just want to make clear that I don't intend to give every player a specialty. It should be rare. Therefor it could be enrolled in a future draft with a fixed number of draftees who have a specialty. + Maybe give every third player new managers get after completing the tutorial such a specialty.
Also all options proposed above are specialties. Maybe all players could get a specific character.
For example:
- Proud: when being embarrassed by a flashy dribble he would be more determined to prevent it from happening a second time. Could result in more PF
- Nervous: such a player would play better at his home court or won't take the last shot of the game but prefers to give the ball to another player of his team.
- Confident: a player who thrives of big moments. Such as PO-games, games against your rival etc.
- Flamboyant. a player who is good with the press and loved by the fans. Selling him would make fans just a little more upset than selling another player.
- ...

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290747.3 in reply to 290747.1
Date: 11/15/2017 9:40:33 AM
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Discover all this, if the player are egoist, playfulness and others is the abilities of Coach, of User, of us!

The BuzzerBeater try to copy a basketball real life.
Is our work discover what the our players are, what they do and how theys played and construct a better rosters.

Isn't complicated to discovery that. Simple analysis of the stats and watch live games and look attetion on the skills to know.

Only see skills is much easy. But only bests Coachs working look all around!


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290747.5 in reply to 290747.4
Date: 11/21/2017 4:55:13 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
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I know a couple of them....

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290747.6 in reply to 290747.1
Date: 11/22/2017 3:55:08 PM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Yeah... I'd like it!

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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290747.7 in reply to 290747.4
Date: 12/1/2017 10:41:11 AM
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Discover all this, if the player are egoist, playfulness and others is the abilities of Coach, of User, of us!

Totally agree.

I think this already exists, just hidden.

The simplest to discover is "arm crusher" (a lot of fouls). hahaha!

I also feel there are already player "tendencies" that aren't outright said to you, but are there.
That's why I watch all my teams games in the viewer when I'm able to get around to it. To notice those patterns.

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290747.8 in reply to 290747.7
Date: 12/1/2017 12:02:00 PM
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That's why I watch all my teams games in the viewer when I'm able to get around to it.

I too.