nothing strange? better look again, then ;)
he knocked out my 3 best players four personal mistakes... all 3 guys haven't made 6 fouls all season. are you even serious? absolutely none of them..and in just one game, boom! all 3 are out four being aggresive.
who are we trying to kid? it's not about luck and his team had no advantage against mine...of course I'm upset, but I wish I was upset for my tactics mistakes, but I did no tactical mistake... and not for a faulty weird GE.
I'm well aware that one user more or less doens't matter to BB, but at least give us better reasons to give up...
I did, and nothing strange again.
Your players made fouls in this game, it's normal, it happen on BB. Sometimes your opponents player do it, sometimes you win/loose because of an injury or two in a match, or bad 3p shooting, or bad RB, or bad FT-s...
It's not about luck, I agree in some point.
Lets take a look at the statistics.
You had better OS
He had better IS
He had better OD
The same ID
He had better RB
You had better OF
If I can count it's 3-2 for him in the most important parameters of the game, but that doesn't make him better ofc.
His team had 10 RB-s in the game more then your.
He had 7 team assists more.
He had 3 turnovers less.
He had 5 steals more then your team.
Your team was better in what?
The only thing you where "better" is making fouls this game. 29 vs 8 PF-s, I know it's frustrating and you're angry but it happen...
Take a look at my game in season 18, final of the Cup
(42296840)My opponent had 62 free throws!
You think that was normal for me, no, but sometimes you just have no luck, that's all..
Did I complain? No. Did, I quit? No. You know what I did? I won 8 1st leagues and 7 Cups after that game, you know why? Because the show must go on. Never a failure, always a lesson. Come back stronger and proof that you have a heart of a champion!
We are all angry when the GE is not on our side, maybe once, we all notice it, but all those other games that could go on the other side? Nah, we don't think then that the GE is not good, we think we are the masters of BB, tactical genius, our players are the best and etc.
Giving up is never an option! Cheers!
Last edited by LA-King_Leonidas at 11/15/2017 3:58:26 PM
This is where we hold them!