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Training help?

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From: Raghu
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Date: 1/14/2018 1:17:59 AM
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Hey guys.
I have a 21 yo MVP who is 6 feet 10.
Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: prominent
Outside Def.: prominent Handling: prolific
Driving: proficient Passing: proficient
Inside Shot: proficient ↑ Inside Def.: proficient
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: awful Free Throw: atrocious
How do i move from here?
Train inside shot now or train inside defense?

I also have an 18 yo hof draftee who is 6 feet two.

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: respectable
Driving: inept Passing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectable ↑ Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: awful

Please suggest a training plan to get the best out of these two players for the next few seasons.
Im in d3 nations of asia, which has onl three non bots. So i will be in d2 next season and these players will get 100% training.
Since the number of bots is more,there is a possibility i will get a good draft pick this season as well.

Any help is appreciated.
Edit: trainer level is world renowned as well.

Last edited by Raghu at 1/14/2018 1:22:28 AM

From: Bigeasy

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292054.2 in reply to 292054.1
Date: 1/14/2018 9:21:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
personally I think your 18 yo hofer is worth much much much more than your 21 yo trainee, so you really should direct all your training plan towards your 18yo to maximize his worth.

I'll start with 2 seasons of 1on1 (either guard or forward depending on whether you want your player to play more outside oriented or inside oriented). At the beginning of the third season you can then decide whether you want to 1on1 for one more season or switch to OD/PS and then other skills.