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Could a 'Version 2.0' save Buzzerbeater?

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Date: 1/14/2018 2:36:15 AM
Kira Kira Koseki
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Yubi Yubi
BB is the best online manager game I have played. Other games in the genre ultimately couldn’t hold my attention like this one. But it's clear that the glory days of BB are behind us, and we're losing players. But why? I have three potential causes in mind;

1. The rise of ad-blockers makes it harder for games like this one to get noticed on the modern internet.
2. Online manager games as a genre have been struggling to keep up with the mobile market, with an assist going to PC gaming being more accessible than ever.
3. BuzzerBeater has gone stale.

I'm not sure what we can really do about the first two issues, but a possible solution to number 3, resources permitting, would be to create a new, modernised version of BuzzerBeater. The game is over a decade old, it could really benefit from being rebuilt rather than trying to add new features to the existing version. But how do we improve the game? Here's my short assessment of the current game;

BuzzerBeater was based on a game I thought was bad (HatTrick), but with almost all bad aspects removed. The biggest improvent is two league games per week and a 14 week season instead of one game, 16 weeks. This helps the game move at an acceptable pace.

Meanwhile, the game engine rewards owning players with well rounded skill sets rather than one or two monster skills, and greatly rewards building a better team than everyone else in general. There’s room for upsets, but not too much.

However, one major problem carried over from HT is the training. The extra game each week helps, but the system subtly discourages training by making you run players who may be sub-par or playing at sub-optimal positions, for all 48 minutes of the game. And that’s if you’re lucky; sometimes the game takes minutes away from your trainee due to a bug that BB continues to deny.

Tactics are also imbalanced, masked only by the bandaid solution known as GDP. I’m not saying GDP is bad, but in practice it often boils down to ‘my opponent will either play LI or they won’t’.

I'm posting this in global rather than suggestions because this is a basic draft of what my ideal Buzzerbeater would be; a more detailed breakdown in suggestions can wait until I've seen if there's support. Here are a couple of my personal ideas regarding what can be done in an upgrade;

This generation is more connected to the internet than ever and demands fast-paced entertainment. I personally think we should expand on the idea that likely allowed BB to beat out Charazay and it’s 17 week seasons long term, by moving to 3 league games a week. To make it work, let’s take game shape out and replace it with a rolling fatigue system (this could also solve the problem of starters playing too many minutes with little penalty).

A rebuild would also be a great opportunity to make some drastic changes to player skills and the salary formula. My goals would be to replicate the modern shift towards the three point shot and make elite perimeter defence a bit harder to come by. As for training, I'll once again point out the Battrick model, where you had 10 slots per week to assign players to and didn't have to worry about playing time.

Key note, this would not be a hard reset. All existing teams and players should carry over into the new Buzzerbeater. Also, a new version might tempt former managers to return. If you still have their emails, you can send them a message to make them aware of the improvements and possibly trigger their nostalgia..

Do you think this is the route that needs to be taken? Does BB have the resources to pull it off?

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 1/14/2018 5:51:05 PM

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292055.2 in reply to 292055.1
Date: 1/15/2018 5:29:24 AM
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1000% BB needs to incentivize training players. I have posted before - to keep players interested long term even when their team is bad is to allow visible and rewarding development of players. Managers become invested in that development - sometimes more than winning!

I really believe that with a tweak to the ease and pace of training BB would be transformed for the better. Having a trainer who is affordable week to week and at the time of purchase is another major issue here. I do not know why these factors are not harnessed simply and positively as they would clearly lead directly to more devoted involvement from managers - and over a longer period of time.

Like the 3 league games a week idea - I am happy with the pace of two, and that is some of the beauty of BB IMHO, but I think to have more managers attracted to the game there needs to be a bit more involvement and for the game to move "faster".

Make development easier! It is the key element for improvement of this great game.

<3 Buzzerbeater!

From: Kukoc
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292055.4 in reply to 292055.3
Date: 1/16/2018 6:41:38 AM
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I agree, the app would be a step in the right direction. I seldom feel like loggin on via phone or ipad through browsers. App would obviously increase time spent browsing the site. I think it would add intrest and new users to the game. Will they stay with the game remains to be seen.

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292055.5 in reply to 292055.3
Date: 1/16/2018 7:05:57 AM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
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Yubi Yubi
The old users would not quit. Not if their team history, rosters and cash balance gets carried over, and not if if the upgrade still retains many of the features that make what we have now solid. Also that mobile app may ALSO require BB 2.0 to work. Again, the game was launched in 2007, some of that code may be from an ancient era before apps even existed and would hence need to be rewritten before it can be compatible with apps.

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 1/16/2018 7:07:33 AM

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292055.8 in reply to 292055.6
Date: 1/16/2018 8:00:28 PM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
I guess you don't have much experience with programming, since you think that rewriting the game code would be an easy task...

I never said that. I merely implied that the very real problem of us going from 50k users at the peak to 16k may be tied to the game being old and not doing enough to adapt to the modern landscape of gaming. The numbers don't lie, we're not dead but we're definitely in trouble.

BB have reacted and are making improvements to the game, but the main improvements that I want in an ideal scenario would require a huge shift in terms of league structure, player skills, training progression, and overall depth. Maybe they can write it into the existing code, but in any case it would be a substantial enough change to call it 2.0.

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 1/16/2018 8:01:36 PM

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292055.10 in reply to 292055.9
Date: 1/17/2018 6:38:05 AM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
That is the worst reply you could have possibly written. Training is not fine right now. Neither is being complacent with the current state of the game. And to top it all off I don't like your attitude.

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 1/17/2018 6:41:33 AM