Yes I'm sure, I played several games with the Box. Has to be intended as 'inside Box' & 'and One' for example, so the Box defend the inside (and not only of course), and the one defend the best in the outside. In that way, the best offensive player on the outside will be defended both by the Box + a m2m defence.
I never understood why the rules are so wrong talking about the Box.
I can provide you some examples about my games:
My +1 was 16 OD 16 ID 10 SB. Well, in those games I was testing the tactic, and in some of those cases clearly the Box used was the opposite one needed. But, anyway, studying the opponent player and the playbyplay, that was pretty clear. Looking at the Boxscore things are pretty limited.
The China U-21 use the Box frequently. Studying them it's easier to see the effect.
(43812). Philippines with Motion, China with a perfect Inside Box. The +1 defender shut down the best opponents outside offensive player: 5/16.
(43806). Another Inside Box, the defence shut down the PG: 2/16.
(43804) Another Inside, the PG finished 6/24.
There was a thread in global however, where Nachtmahr ran good tests using Haek, the "perfect" defender
He was assuming, as you, the Box should have worked as the game manual said. I saved part of the thread:
Game 3:(81780650)
Outside box +1
My third try. According to the manual I expected that Haek will defend the SG (110k and 2 mio DMI). But was afraid that he will play against the PF (79k and 1.49 mio DMI). It was the PF. And he was stopped.
My PF defended again most of the shots. He had 24 defense actions. My SF defended most of his play time inside. And my C with OD 1 had a lot of long range and mid range shots against him. So a really bad situation.
Game 4:(81780654)
Inside box +1
After three games with outside box, I went to the inside box. Here I already expected that Haek would defend the best outside player. Bullseye! It was the SG. And he had a really bad day against my defense monster ;)
At the same time my other four starters moved more to the inside. The had more mid and close range defense actions now. My idea was that Haek was at the top and the other four moved between him and the rim.
The result (for me):
Outside box: Four players move to the outside. The best OD+ID+SB player is the +1 and he gets m2m with the best calculated inside offense option of the opponent. He will stop him, but there is no guarantee that another player (2nd option) won't step up.
Inside box: Four player move to the inside. Again the best defender is the +1. But this time he defends m2m the best outside offense option.Last edited by GM-samusaran (ITA-Staff) at 2/10/2018 5:38:49 AM