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Who to play at PF/C?

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Date: 03/26/2018 04:57:01
New Vegas Aces
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I have two backup bigs with slightly different skill sets and I want to know who to play where. It's only my first season, but I've been on autopilot for a month so I haven't put much thought into it until now. In the grand scheme of things, this probably doesnt matter that much, but I am still curious.

So my current C is 6'10, has IS 9, ID 10, RB 8, SB 7. I've been playing him at C because he's decent all-around. My current PF is 7'1, IS 7, ID 12 RB 5 SB 9. I bought him recently as a cheap defensive big to upgrade my inside d. Both guys are max GS with poor secondary skills.

They are both backup who generally play together. Does it matter who plays C or PF? I run an outside offense, so I dont know how much it matters if my C is weaker offensively, stronger defensively vs the PF.

P.S. I have two defensive bigs and two less defensive, more rounded bigs. (Three of them are basically the same SP) For an outside based offense, is it better to have two defensive guys together, or to stagger them(one start, one bench) so my bench isnt too weak defensively?

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292866.2 in reply to 292866.1
Date: 03/26/2018 14:57:00
Florida Champs
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Great Lakes Spartans
Height won’t inpact the performance of the players. I’d keep the C/PF the way they are right now, but I usually go with higher JS & OD at PF