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Best offense for 5 SF’s?

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From: TC
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Date: 03/30/2018 11:41:42
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Just wondering if anyone has tried this and which offense and defense are best for 5 balanced players?

Thanks in advance.

From: NJ

To: TC
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292910.2 in reply to 292910.1
Date: 03/30/2018 18:58:57
SK Wolves
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In my very little experience SF come in all different types of builds, outside, inside, balanced based. This is what makes them the most fun and challenging to train. So if they are inside base I'd go low post or look inside. Outside based run n gun, motion, princeton. Push ball if your balanced.

Again I have very little experience. This is my second season, but hopefully I scratched the surface of your question.

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292910.3 in reply to 292910.1
Date: 03/31/2018 06:47:48
Arsenal 98
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Stamford Snow Leopards
Only having the info that they're in the SF build doesn't actually let us know what kind of player they look like, but there's a few interesting ideas that come to me.

Patient with the players ordered by passing, best at PG, worst at C.
Run and gun with your best shooters at the guards and sf positions.
Princeton with your passers at pf/c and shooters at the guards.
If they've all got some inside shooting a low post should find the mismatches on their guards/weakest inside players.

Some of the zones should be interesting if you've got balanced defenders. A 1-3-1 the most obvious maybe?
Or a full court press if you've got some blocking and good stamina too.