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Potential: coach Parrot or Buzze manager

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From: boule

This Post:
294412.4 in reply to 294412.3
Date: 6/18/2018 11:20:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
They are based on a salary formulae. Those formulas are quite obsolete. Therefore none is accurate. Probably Buzzermanager is closer to the actual potential because the salary formulae has been updated a few seasons ago.

Anyway as the salary formulae is a guess on skills that have decimals, it is also an approximation.

Last edited by boule at 6/18/2018 11:24:01 PM

From: boule

This Post:
294412.6 in reply to 294412.5
Date: 6/20/2018 2:56:43 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
Actually, i was wrong. I went through my notes accumulated over the years and the ponderation is not base on the salary.It has higher weights for offensive skills.

Well that my two cents, and i couldn't tell more without searching the forums or the excel file.