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Training Rebound

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From: BC_RauL
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Date: 7/10/2018 5:34:50 AM
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Hi guys,
from next season, Im planning to train my centres for Rebound. I would like to know whether it will make a difference if I train just 3 players or 6 players, in terms of efficiency?!
the reason why im asking this is that I was not able to choose just centres for rebounding in training centre

From: Quno

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294612.2 in reply to 294612.1
Date: 7/10/2018 5:57:38 AM
Bronx Wings
Overall Posts Rated:
Rebounding is a two position training which means you'll be able to train the max of 6 players. If you decide to train just 3 players, the efficiency will be the same as training 6 players.