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Hellas - III.1 > Season 44-10ος 2018

Season 44-10ος 2018

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Date: 11/10/2018 10:10:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Ημέρα 4 (Τρίτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2018) : Επιδόσεις από (

ADIS 127 - Kallithea 107
Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 51 - Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 102
as.elaioxwrioy 63 - PAOK RETHYMNO 89
Titanas BC 23 - KakapetraRocks 120
Flying Squirrel bc 58 - levadia heat 71
Trstenik Zvezda 68 - biribakides 86
Green Team B.C. 111 - Shamrocks BC 89

Οι καλύτερες ομαδικές επιδόσεις της βραδιάς
Πόντοι : 127 : ADIS
Ριμπάουντ : 78 : KakapetraRocks
Ασσίστ : 32 : KakapetraRocks
Κλεψίματα : 11 : Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)
Τάπες : 13 : KakapetraRocks

Οι καλύτερες ατομικές επιδόσεις της βραδιάς
Πόντοι : 39 : J. Stehno (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ)
Ριμπάουντ : 23 : J. Jürgen (KakapetraRocks)
Ασσίστ : 8 : N. Fissas (Shamrocks BC), R. Kekić (Kallithea), O. Chorafakis (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas))
Κλεψίματα : 4 : M. Del Cerro (Shamrocks BC)
Τάπες : 7 : Z. Dowdy (Flying Squirrel bc)

Το Τop 5 της βραδιάς
Πόιντ Γκαρντ : J. Stehno (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) (39 Πόντοι, 4 Ριμπάουντ, 2 Ασσίστ, 2 Κλεψίματα, 0 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 36
Σούτινγκ Γκάρντ : J. Koesters (biribakides) (25 Πόντοι, 3 Ριμπάουντ, 5 Ασσίστ, 2 Κλεψίματα, 1 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 26
Σμολ Φόργουορντ : A. Von Niederhäusern (Kallithea) (32 Πόντοι, 9 Ριμπάουντ, 7 Ασσίστ, 1 Κλεψίματα, 0 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 35
Πάουερ Φόργουορντ : J. Jürgen (KakapetraRocks) (18 Πόντοι, 23 Ριμπάουντ, 3 Ασσίστ, 2 Κλεψίματα, 5 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 46
Σέντερ : F. Qunchao (KakapetraRocks) (21 Πόντοι, 19 Ριμπάουντ, 3 Ασσίστ, 1 Κλεψίματα, 2 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 39

Ο MVP της βραδιάς
J. Jürgen (KakapetraRocks) (18 Πόντοι, 23 Ριμπάουντ, 3 Ασσίστ, 2 Κλεψίματα, 5 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : 46

Η χειρότερη επίδοση της βραδιάς
K. Karpouzis (Titanas BC) (5 Πόντοι, 2 Ριμπάουντ, 0 Ασσίστ, 0 Κλεψίματα, 0 Τάπες) : Αποδοτικότητα : -8

Στατιστικά όλων των ειδών
Ο παίκτης με τα περισσότερα λάθη : S. Patrinos (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 6 Λάθη

Ο παίκτης - στόχος των διαιτητών : M. Martel (biribakides), J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc), N. Viglakis (Titanas BC), N. Vakaloglou (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) : 6 Φάουλ

Ο ακρογωνιαίος λίθος (περισσότερα λεπτά) : Z. Dowdy (Flying Squirrel bc), J. Jürgen (KakapetraRocks), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy), M. Iapalucci (as.elaioxwrioy), S. Patrinos (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 48 Λεπτά

Ο σουτέρ : N. Fissas (Shamrocks BC), M. Honarmand (ADIS), J. Stehno (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) : 5 Τρίποντα

Ο καλύτερος : F. Qunchao (KakapetraRocks) : Αξιολόγηση : 18.0

Ο χειρότερος : V. Mponatsos (Titanas BC), N. Pias (Titanas BC) : Αξιολόγηση : 2.0

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297178.2 in reply to 297178.1
Date: 11/23/2018 1:02:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Day 5 (Saturday 10 November 2018) : Performances by (

Night results
as.elaioxwrioy 95 - ADIS 121
ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ 91 - Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 96
ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ 78 - Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 99
Kallithea 99 - PAOK RETHYMNO 81
Trstenik Zvezda 123 - Titanas BC 41
Green Team B.C. 109 - Flying Squirrel bc 101
Shamrocks BC 102 - levadia heat 93
KakapetraRocks 81 - biribakides 94

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 123 : Trstenik Zvezda
Rebounds : 75 : Trstenik Zvezda
Assists : 29 : Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)
Steals : 12 : Trstenik Zvezda
Block Shots : 16 : Trstenik Zvezda

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 44 : J. Thibodeau (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ)
Rebounds : 22 : E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy)
Assists : 9 : W. Baião (biribakides), O. Öngören (Flying Squirrel bc), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy)
Steals : 4 : V. Siamantouras (Shamrocks BC), P. Carrica (Trstenik Zvezda)
Block Shots : 5 : C. Varozis (KakapetraRocks)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : J. Stehno (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) (43 Points, 2 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 23
Shooting Guard : J. Thibodeau (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) (44 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 42
Small Forward : A. Von Niederhäusern (Kallithea) (29 Points, 14 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 38
Power Forward : A. Abed-Hossein (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) (33 Points, 19 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 45
Center : H. Moon (Green Team B.C.) (33 Points, 9 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 45

MVP of the evening
H. Moon (Green Team B.C.) (33 Points, 9 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots), A. Abed-Hossein (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) (33 Points, 19 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 45

The bad performance of the evening
K. Karpouzis (Titanas BC) (2 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots), : Efficiency : -11

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : N. Veropoulos (Shamrocks BC) : 7 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : L. Chaparro (Flying Squirrel bc), J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc), A. Jones (Green Team B.C.), V. Tinaglia (Green Team B.C.), N. Viglakis (Titanas BC), D. Papayiannis (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : C. Varozis (KakapetraRocks), M. Iapalucci (as.elaioxwrioy), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy), T. Mavros (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), S. Patrinos (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), S. Toha (PAOK RETHYMNO), T. Simonavicius (PAOK RETHYMNO), U. Arel (PAOK RETHYMNO) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : J. Thibodeau (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) : 7 Three points

The best performer : M. Martel (biribakides), R. Tereshchenko (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)), G. Bennardo (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) : Rating : 17.5

The worst performer : V. Mponatsos (Titanas BC) : Rating : 1.5

This Post:
297178.3 in reply to 297178.2
Date: 11/23/2018 1:03:01 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Day 6 (Tuesday 13 November 2018) : Performances by (

Night results
Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 88 - as.elaioxwrioy 73
Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 88 - Kallithea 41
Titanas BC 35 - Green Team B.C. 139
Flying Squirrel bc 63 - Trstenik Zvezda 75
levadia heat 82 - KakapetraRocks 98
biribakides 153 - Shamrocks BC 41

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 152 : biribakides
Rebounds : 70 : Green Team B.C.
Assists : 46 : biribakides
Steals : 19 : biribakides
Block Shots : 18 : Green Team B.C.

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 33 : Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ)
Rebounds : 28 : D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.)
Assists : 12 : V. Pejović (Green Team B.C.)
Steals : 4 : J. Koesters (biribakides), W. Baião (biribakides), R. Elola (as.elaioxwrioy), P. Carrica (Trstenik Zvezda)
Block Shots : 5 : V. Servetas (biribakides), D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : W. Baião (biribakides) (18 Points, 1 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 4 Steals, 0 Block Shots), E. Krakowiecki (Green Team B.C.) (21 Points, 2 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 1 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28
Shooting Guard : J. Koesters (biribakides) (32 Points, 10 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 4 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44
Small Forward : Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) (33 Points, 7 Rebounds, 7 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35
Power Forward : Y. Kalekas (PAOK RETHYMNO) (29 Points, 24 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 45
Center : D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.) (20 Points, 28 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 3 Steals, 5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 55

MVP of the evening
D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.) (20 Points, 28 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 3 Steals, 5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 55

The bad performance of the evening
Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC) (5 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots)G. Bulvicius (Kallithea) (4 Points, 1 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -12

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : N. Veropoulos (Shamrocks BC) : 7 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : C. Kotsiopoulos (Shamrocks BC), U. Tuoto (levadia heat), R. Gómez (levadia heat), P. Skountis (Kallithea) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC), D. Negoglou (Shamrocks BC), D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.), M. Iapalucci (as.elaioxwrioy), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy), T. Mavros (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), S. Patrinos (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : J. Koesters (biribakides) : 6 Three points

The best performer : J. Koesters (biribakides), P. Carrica (Trstenik Zvezda) : Rating : 17.5

The worst performer : Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC) : Rating : 1.0

This Post:
297178.4 in reply to 297178.3
Date: 11/23/2018 1:03:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Day 7 (Saturday 17 November 2018) : Performances by (

Night results
Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 89 - ADIS 141
ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ 115 - as.elaioxwrioy 108
PAOK RETHYMNO 70 - Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 102
Kallithea 98 - ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ 106
Flying Squirrel bc 117 - Titanas BC 19
Green Team B.C. 110 - Trstenik Zvezda 86
biribakides 103 - levadia heat 69
KakapetraRocks 137 - Shamrocks BC 32

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 141 : ADIS
Rebounds : 60 : KakapetraRocks
Assists : 44 : KakapetraRocks
Steals : 18 : ADIS
Block Shots : 17 : Flying Squirrel bc

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 36 : Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ)
Rebounds : 22 : J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc)
Assists : 12 : T. Trutina (KakapetraRocks)
Steals : 6 : J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc)
Block Shots : 7 : Z. Dowdy (Flying Squirrel bc)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : J. Kowalski (as.elaioxwrioy) (34 Points, 2 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36
Shooting Guard : J. Thibodeau (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) (34 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35
Small Forward : Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) (36 Points, 14 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44
Power Forward : C. Varozis (KakapetraRocks) (22 Points, 8 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 3 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35
Center : J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc) (12 Points, 22 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 6 Steals, 6 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44

MVP of the evening
J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc) (12 Points, 22 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 6 Steals, 6 Block Shots), Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ) (36 Points, 14 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44

The bad performance of the evening
E. Meletis (Shamrocks BC) (0 Points, 0 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), : Efficiency : -13

Triple-Double of the evening
C. Granada (KakapetraRocks) (15 Points, 10 Rebounds, 11 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots)

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : S. Toha (PAOK RETHYMNO) : 10 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : N. Chezonakis (Kallithea), R. Elola (as.elaioxwrioy), M. Iapalucci (as.elaioxwrioy), S. Patrinos (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC), D. Jarka (Green Team B.C.), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy), V. Kalkis (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), T. Mavros (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), D. Papayiannis (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), O. Chatzaras (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ), T. Yiannopoulatos (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : Y. Turovets (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) : 6 Three points

The best performer : R. Tereshchenko (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) : Rating : 18.5

The worst performer : Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC), D. Negoglou (Shamrocks BC) : Rating : 1.0

This Post:
297178.5 in reply to 297178.4
Date: 11/23/2018 1:04:16 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Day 8 (Tuesday 20 November 2018) : Performances by (

Night results
ADIS 149 - Titanas BC 45
Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 62 - Flying Squirrel bc 94
as.elaioxwrioy 77 - Trstenik Zvezda 89
ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ 101 - Green Team B.C. 106
Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 106 - levadia heat 60
PAOK RETHYMNO 85 - biribakides 110
ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ 129 - Shamrocks BC 57
Kallithea 93 - KakapetraRocks 105

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 149 : ADIS
Rebounds : 62 : ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ
Assists : 38 : ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ
Steals : 33 : ADIS
Block Shots : 14 : ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 30 : F. Soudais (ADIS)
Rebounds : 24 : P. Tsatsaras (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ)
Assists : 12 : A. Pichinino (Green Team B.C.)
Steals : 5 : M. Honarmand (ADIS), P. Lattuada (ADIS), F. Soudais (ADIS)
Block Shots : 5 : S. Toha (PAOK RETHYMNO)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : Ð. Radmanović (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) (28 Points, 3 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 32
Shooting Guard : S. Itier (ADIS) (20 Points, 5 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 32
Small Forward : F. Soudais (ADIS) (30 Points, 7 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 5 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 32
Power Forward : P. Tsatsaras (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) (18 Points, 24 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 39
Center : P. Lattuada (ADIS) (16 Points, 18 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 5 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44

MVP of the evening
P. Lattuada (ADIS) (16 Points, 18 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 5 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44

The bad performance of the evening
D. Achristos (Titanas BC) (2 Points, 5 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -11

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : D. Achristos (Titanas BC) : 9 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : B. Vizcaino (biribakides), P. Loukopoulos (biribakides), J. Fedeghelli (Flying Squirrel bc), N. Viglakis (Titanas BC), D. Papayiannis (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : Z. Spanos (Shamrocks BC), Y. Gkloumis (ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΟΙ), M. Iapalucci (as.elaioxwrioy), E. Leindler (as.elaioxwrioy), H. Song char (as.elaioxwrioy), W. McLeod (Anwgeia Cretan Hawks), J. Legenda (PAOK RETHYMNO), K. Kavouratos (ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : N. Chezonakis (Kallithea) : 6 Three points

The best performer : J. Koesters (biribakides), H. Moon (Green Team B.C.), R. Tereshchenko (Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)) : Rating : 18.5

The worst performer : R. Conrad (Shamrocks BC) : Rating : 1.0

This Post:
297178.6 in reply to 297178.5
Date: 11/23/2018 6:24:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Μπραβο φιλε μου για την προσπαθεια που κανεις με τα στατιστικα κτλ!

This Post:
297178.7 in reply to 297178.6
Date: 11/24/2018 11:22:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kallithea Wildcats
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ!!!