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Is training for driving OP?

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From: Csds
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Date: 2/4/2019 11:23:59 AM
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So I wrote a long post then it got deleted so this will be much shorter. Basically I was training 2 19 year olds last season with an advanced trainer and advanced youth trainer. I focused on driving all season up until the last week or 2. Both players recieved 15 pops. Each got 13 split between Driving, JS, and handling. 1 got a pop in outside defense and inside defense (OD training) and the other a pop in OD (OD training) and passing ( might have done 1 week passing). I was not that active last season but when I checked in it appeared like I was get a mix of no pops, and double to triple pops.

I have another 19 year old this year and want to train him alongside the other 2 now 20 year olds. I will probably only do OD/passing. At first I thought I could expect even more than 15 pops because he is 19 like they were, same trainers, but instead of training a skill like driving that requires 2 positions (pg/sg) I will be training skills that can focus on 1 (ex passing pg) which is apparently more effective with the cost of being able to train less players.

Now I am starting to think this is impossible. When training driving there were several weeks where a player did not get a pop or maybe only 1 did. I imagine my 19 year old will not get a pop every week this season either. To match the 15 pops players got last season he would need a pop every week plus 3-4? secondary pops because I do not believe a 3rd pop is possible for either.

Conclusion: Training driving gives you more pops and allows you to train up to 6 players while passing/outside D and maybe others you can train a max of 3 (thats the most efficient I am told) and most likely get less pops. IDK enough to say if this needs to be fixed. If not I believe you really want guards to have JR, Passing, and OD because JS, Driving and Handling are easy to train together and allows you to train up to 6 players. This seems a little unbalanced to me, it would seem more fair to to train driving for 1 position and get the same results we now get for 2.

From: GM-hrudey

To: Csds
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298326.3 in reply to 298326.1
Date: 2/11/2019 1:20:10 PM
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It may be faster, and set up the elastic effect for guard skills, and be relatively cheap on the salary when paired with OD compared to, say, outside shooting, but it only trains... uh, twice as many players? But at least it is most useful when paired with an inside/isolation offense, which means that you're really not as well set up to use the ... well, most useless offenses in the game.

So, uh, yeah, removing my sarcastic hat a second, there's a reason why inside offenses are the rage and you have to be a tinkerer or crazy to run an outside offense - the game is simply imbalanced and the effect of 1v1 training is a major contributor (as is the foul/rebounding discrepancy in inside attack vs. outside, the curse of the "open" outside shot, etc.).

From: Otis
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298326.4 in reply to 298326.3
Date: 2/17/2019 1:51:36 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
i'll just say one thing. as long as we are talking about a secondary skill which isn't really used even four times in a game by a given player i think it is just balanced enough.

sure, creating elastic effect is nice, but we all now that it is brutal trying to train a player with DR HA 13 13 but with OD 9 because we wanted that elastic effect. not to mention that what you gain in elastic you loose in age, namely 10% year.

as for the earlier mention regarding of prevalence of driving during a game. yes you can play LI or other tactics but that is very much dependent on the PA of the passer, so it is niche in terms of impact. sure it is a nice to train and have but i think it if it trained at a slower pace nobody would try training it.

From: Isaiah

To: Otis
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298326.5 in reply to 298326.4
Date: 2/22/2019 7:40:45 AM
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Smallfries II
Completely agree with the time and training speeds. With YTs it makes it easier to train other skills besides DR. I've seen multiple guys that haven't trained DR get 13 or 14 pops. Some of that even in out of position stuff. Bigs popping in PA three weeks in a row, bigs popping in OD multiple weeks, guards popping in ID multiple weeks. YT has taken away, I believe anyways, the requirement of having to pound 1v1 first to get elastic effects. One of these days I think people will realize it. But until then, we will continue to see the same exact player on the TL for pages and pages but going for crazy amounts of money.

From: Isaiah

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298326.7 in reply to 298326.6
Date: 2/25/2019 8:24:17 PM
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Smallfries II
I can only go based on things I have seen, so no factual information. Would love to go over the numbers as I have a lot of data from USA players, just lacking the time currently to go through it. But, it really does seem that out of position training is much quicker and, in my opinion, a better option with the YT. 1v1 training really doesn't seem to train much quicker than it did before. So then my question would be, do you train out of position first knowing you'll get more pops, or do you train 1v1 and continue to utilize elastic effect even though out of position won't train as fast later?