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Arena Expansion?

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From: E.B.W.
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Date: 3/4/2019 8:05:37 PM
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Is there any point in any further arena expansions?

Bleachers : 14000
Lower Tier : 7000
Courtside Seats : 500
Luxury Boxes : 50
Total Capacity : 21550

I remember back around season 30, there was a talk about a cap in total fans you could actually sit in your stadium (roughly 20k). Is this the same case today or have there been any alterations to how many people you can sit?

Thanks in advance.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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298677.3 in reply to 298677.2
Date: 3/5/2019 10:15:24 PM
Tampines Fusion
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Judging by the top teams of my country, most of them seem to have their lower tier capped off at 4000+ attendance (despite some having 7k seats). Would it be a better idea to put the remaining 3k into bleachers (eg 17k bleacher and 4k lower tier instead of 14k bleachers and 7k lower tier)?