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"Role" influence on Fan Survey

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From: Otis
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Date: 03/21/2019 11:59:37
The Defenders
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The D-fenders
2 questions

1) is there any evidence or written rules that show any correlation between "team ROLE" and fan survey section "I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferred"?

2) what influences "I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferred"? i have a relatively stable team. w no transfer of core players. i have a homegrown NT player and i cannot remember ever going above 2 stars.
i do assume playing your homegrown players helps this metric and maybe influences merchandising but i just dont see it.

any hard facts to share?

PS/sidequestion: what is the highest role one can achieve? i have found only regular starter (level 5) but i remember briefly seeing some one having something like "key player(level 6)

From: E.B.W.

To: Otis
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298780.2 in reply to 298780.1
Date: 03/21/2019 18:15:18
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I'm not sure of the answers to your two main questions but as for your side question, the highest role a player can achieve is Key Player.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Otis

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298780.3 in reply to 298780.2
Date: 03/22/2019 02:01:56
The Defenders
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The D-fenders
my main question regarding "key player" is what are the requirements to get that label. i have players in my league who played all games and 48 min/game and they still are just "rotation players" instead of "key players".

i think there is more to that.

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298780.4 in reply to 298780.3
Date: 03/22/2019 12:10:19
Tampines Fusion
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I think roles depend on how long they play in league games only? I realize I have players who play 2 leagues games a week will be rated higher than players who play 1 league and 1 cup/scrimmage game a week (even tho their minutes might be similar), and players who only feature in the cup gets rated as draws a paycheck even if they play 48 mins per cup game/scrimmage.

Do you actually have players who plays 48 minutes in 2 league games a week?

That said, in terms of the "familiar with star players and not being afraid they are sold", I wonder if it's largely affected by activities on the transfer market. I see in your last 3 trades, you had two pretty high profile ones, including a 200k salary player who's now retired and a player who went for 2m. I reckon that played a part as well, especially when you seem pretty active in the market.

Also I recently bought a couple of players way above my team's highest paid player, and the survey dropped from 5 balls to 1. Could be because the highest paid players are different players now?

This Post:
298780.5 in reply to 298780.4
Date: 03/23/2019 02:07:56
The Defenders
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The D-fenders

Do you actually have players who plays 48 minutes in 2 league games a week?

in my league, not on my team, the answer is yes. 48 min/game both league games. but they are not key players which is strange
(42199375) he got injured yesterday during scrimmage but clearly that is not influenced now as now games have been played in the meantime. just regular starter.

That said, in terms of the "familiar with star players and not being afraid they are sold", I wonder if it's largely affected by activities on the transfer market. I see in your last 3 trades, you had two pretty high profile ones, including a 200k salary player who's now retired and a player who went for 2m. I reckon that played a part as well, especially when you seem pretty active in the market.

that is irrelevant, as before that trade i never exceeded 2 balls. and up until that trade i had less than a transfer every half season, even less so high salary ones, i.e. stars as the variable describes.

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298780.6 in reply to 298780.5
Date: 03/23/2019 08:50:42
Tampines Fusion
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Might need to refresh your memory a bit. Last season you did 10 transfers, of which 5 were purchases and 4 were sales, and one was bought back (I can't remember how it's usually treated for such players, but iirc the transfer money % rolls back to day 1 right?). Season 43 you had 6 transactions, 4 were purchases and 2 were sales. The only season where you came close to your "one trade per half season" was season 42, where you had 3. Even in season 41 you had 8 trades. That said, I'm not sure how long does it take for that part of the fan survey to recover, so it still could be irrelevant, but your transfer activities seem to suggest it can (unless maybe if you went all 2 balls for season 42)

My previous team hardly did trades, even if I did it was mostly supporting players coz I had my own home bred franchise player, and I never dropped below 4 stars iirc, tho the part where the fans think the manager is doing everything he can to improve the team section is always at two balls. Even with this team, which I only made my first ever trade recently due to the salary cap being imposed on me, I have always been at 4 balls and above (until I did the trades and it dropped).

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298780.7 in reply to 298780.6
Date: 03/23/2019 09:39:17
The Defenders
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The D-fenders
Indeed i always had "manager involvement" at 5 balls.

I think that there needs to be clarity. Purchasing end of the bench guys should really not count if the metric refers to stars.
In last 5 seasons i sold only 1 starter. Rest were reserves.

Not doing more than 1 transfer per year seems excessive, even more so when considering that it applies to all trades, not just key players.

This Post:
298780.8 in reply to 298780.7
Date: 03/23/2019 10:11:37
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
I had bad money management in my previous team. Small arena, and being dedicated to training NT players since my first season (it was season 3 then so it was pretty easy to own NT players). Iirc I don't remember when I did not have a 200k salary monster PG on my roster (actually trained two of them up but they weren't at their peak at the same time).

I was barely earning any money so it wasn't that I didn't want to buy players. I just didn't have the money to buy or maintain any new players, and had the money to continue maintaining my old ones, so I didn't really sell anyone.