The game must progress, the players shall too. NBA for example, mediocre players noaways would have been superstars at 90's
I only see bennefits. Now you could train your homegrown team, it is eazier to cap out players with high potencials and low skills from drafts for example skill summ 37 MVP with secondaries too.
The players becomes move versatile that way, more people will train secondaries. Quality of the players and game will be at higher level overall, so more pleasant.
Most of us should admit we hated to train stamina and free throws and waste potential training sessions because of that. Now we can avoid these.
Also higher skill ceiling players like MVP+ will be capping not at age 30 if lucky, no injuries around 130 skillpoints, but at age 27 or more, so it gives more quality seasons for each player, i think it will make more long term rosters Like this example with this player, you can get fully established player of 112skillpoints of age 21, it has like 12 seasons to go, and no training needed, by the way it will only get better because of stamina and free throws will slightly increase over time.
In future NT players themselves would peak not at age 30 , but at age 27-28? more time to play for NT, more time for high skilled players to play quality seasons at highest levels like top leagues of each country or in B3.
This will incease the value of the potencial. It will be more feneficial and possible to cap out higher potencial players with low skills at draft, instead of 50-60 skillpoints perenial allstars.
You also must have in mind that the conditions for all the managers are equal. So overall it is zero summ.
I actually had quited at season 23, because i got frustarted by the issues this update fixed. Came back only because of this update. I really love the way buzzerbeater is going nowadays. Good work BB Marin.
Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 5/6/2019 12:56:36 PM