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Youth trainer in offseason

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Date: 05/06/2019 21:30:20
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I have 2 19 yo players I am training with a youth trainer on staff. With the offseason processing going on, will my trainees that will turn 20 during the processing get the benefit of the youth trainer this week?

Since the players were 19 at the time of the scrimmages on Saturday and will turn 20 before Thursday scrimmages, I don't know which way it goes.

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299129.2 in reply to 299129.1
Date: 05/06/2019 21:34:47
U.K Nuggets
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U.K Nuggets II
No they will not as the Training update will be when they are 20 year olds. Also had you fired your YT before salary update you wouldn’t have paid him this week but now you paid his salary and will pay his salary again as a “severance fee”.

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299129.3 in reply to 299129.2
Date: 05/07/2019 10:40:02
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Thanks for the info. I was going to ask the question sooner to avoid just that scenario but life got in the way.