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PR-Manager Question

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From: Apex
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Date: 5/19/2019 12:20:33 PM
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We all know that the PR-Manager boosts your fan survey balls which result in eventually boosting the income you receive from attendance by a certain percent. Having a higher level PR-Manager is important in higher divisions because that percentage becomes more than the managers weekly salary and having one becomes financially beneficial.

My question is, when the fan survery bar is already at 5 balls, a hard task to achieve, does a PR-Manager have any effect. I usually end up buying one post promotion anyways to ease the decline after the championship bonus runs out, however i'm not entirely sure if i'm wasting money by having him around while the bonus is active. I'm looking for any teams which may have had experience testing the PR-Manager in different scenarios and seeing what their bonus income looks like. If anyone has any insight, that would be great. Thanks!

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
From: E.B.W.

To: Apex
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299856.2 in reply to 299856.1
Date: 5/20/2019 11:23:58 AM
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I don't have any experience with actually testing the PR-Manager out indifferent situations but he has a slight merchandise and attendance boost (gets more fans in the door and makes them more likely to buy slightly more expensive tickets). I believe this is regardless of any promotion/demotion bonus/penalty.

Personally I think it is important to get a Crowd Involvement or National Appeal specialty for your PR guy because that actually helps your team in game and can help lead to wins, which really matters and what influences the fan survey the most.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs