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Are these trainees too old to continue training???

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Date: 05/24/2019 19:36:40
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This one needs more defense at this point or should I just let him be since he is nearly maxed (95%)
This trainee has been a decent SG in Div 3 but he is 27 and I want to still add outside defense (93% maxed)
This one can play multiple positions, 26 yrs old, 6-0ft MVP at about 86% trained

I drafted these 3 players and basically built around them....there are some huge weakness in their defense and passing but their DR/HA are pretty good and all 3 have been OK in current Div 3 Utopia. Should I sale Ricky and/or Marlin to bring in another trainee and continue with Charlie (MVP)???

Sale one or two and add another quality SF with a lot of mileage left to compete??

As for Bigs/Centers I usually buy off the TL and try to fit them in to RB/BS/ID

Any advise is Always appreciated.

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299896.2 in reply to 299896.1
Date: 05/25/2019 01:46:05
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Silver Onions
Sell as fast as possible the first one.

Second one, can maybe be usefull.

Third one, is worth to train 1 or 2 more seasons to fill his biggest holes.

The third one, I would play as SF. He should be able to score a lot of points with an inside offense.

Make a plan what you want to do after your best trainee is finished. Start another training project? Than sell him. Start to compete than get complemantary players around him.

Only in the dark, we succeed!
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299896.3 in reply to 299896.2
Date: 05/25/2019 09:59:28
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Thanks - Very good advice. One question about the MVP trainee I have. Being only 6ft and 26 yrs old is it too late to train his inside skills?? Currently I am boosting his OD and PA and JR during this season and into next season...Should I Stop with his outside training now...and start training ID, RB or SB?? Or because of his small man size is it worth training anymore inside skills??
Also, if selling the first player you mentioned to sale....would you suggest adding another trainee to train along with him?
Or continue building this main trainee alone and then start fresh with a couple young trainees with 1v1 training??

Thanks Again

Last edited by TheRockGuy at 05/25/2019 10:01:51

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299896.4 in reply to 299896.3
Date: 05/25/2019 10:54:31
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Silver Onions
What you want?

Do you want to keep training or do you want to start competing to the max when your trainee is finished.

At 26 I would only train outside skills with his length.

Only in the dark, we succeed!
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299896.5 in reply to 299896.4
Date: 05/25/2019 15:55:02
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If I can sale Smith for a good amount...I'll continue to train Charlie and Marlin in outside defense and PA the remainder of this season and JR into next season. Get me a defensive big, then i can try an compete with Charlie being the main SF, Marlin as SG and try to run with this team...adjust where needed on the fly. I may need to eventually get a very good PG or as mentioned a very nice center.

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299896.6 in reply to 299896.5
Date: 05/25/2019 16:07:07
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Silver Onions
That sounds solid. Good luck!

Only in the dark, we succeed!